
Sunday, July 06, 2008


3:09 AM Jakarta

Di tenga malem malem buta, abis ntn Hancock yang menurut gw rada aneh.... gw chatting ma salah satu temen gw. Let's just refer him as Mr. Silet

Setelah ngobrol ngalor ngidul ga jelas (kaya perna aja chatting yg jelas juntrungan nya.....) kita ngomongin soal ulang taon. Long story short, gw ngebuka FB nya buat ngecek bday nya, gw lupa, 2 okt ato 12 okt. Relax Mr. Silet, i won't forget again.... Anyway, gw ngeliat ada Axioo di FB nya. Buat yang ga tau, Axioo adalah salah satu faktor yang akan membuat harta loe berkurang secara signifikan dan membuat budget kawinan loe bengkak dalam seketika. Axioo adalah...... Wedding photographer. In fact, It's one of the best in Jakarta (Menurut beberapa sumber....)

Nah..... setelah gw buka buka tuh hasil jepretan nya Axioo. Gw rada pengen kawin. hahahahahaha....... najiz ya? They are that good!!!!!

(info: Pre-wedding prices begin at Rp 22,000,000, and our Wedding day coverage prices begin at Rp 44,000,000,. Source: axioo website)

Okeh, masuk ke main course.... Setelah gw perhatikan, di sekitar 80% foto nya, couple nya rada rada mirip. Physically.... COWO NYA PAS PAS AN TAPI CEWE NYA CAKEPPPPP!!!!!
OMG.... i know this is like the reality of life where filthy rich guys get all the beautiful girls adn the rest of the guys will have to accpet the fact that they will only get those "ikan laut dalam". No offense for the fishes ya... It hits me, damn...... WHERE THE FUCK WILL I GET THAT MONEY?!!!

i know i know, y'all will just say i' m jealous or "halah B makanya.... duit tu ditabung, makan mulu seh loe!" yeah yeah maybe i'm a teensy bit jealous but the fact is, i don't have that kind of money. I don't even have my own car....

Why am i trapped in this hedonist society where money is the barometer of everything and the number one filter. Filter of what? Of course it's the filter of man. It's a man's most powerful weapon but also his ultimate weakness. I'll make it simple

man + money ---> man + gorgeous girls

man + every nice things that God can give besides money ---> man + ikan laut dalam

Back to those photos.. They are beautiful!! The couple looks so in love, so happy, so peaceful and so....... fairy tale -ish

But then again, who won't be as happy as they are if they take their pre-wed photos, lying on the grass with eifell tower as the background...


  1. Mr. Silet ga suka namanya disebut2 dengan vain. Grrrr....

  2. kayanya saya tau syapa mr silet itu..

  3. gue juga tau nih kayaknya... btw ternyata loe pagi2 buta nanya gue ultahnya si mr. silet, for the sake of your blog yah... ckckc....

  4. btw, axioo baru buka harga ke cousin gw yang mo married, 60million boo..padahal fotonya cuma di bali. can u imagine those who took the pre-wed in Parii... ga heran lah bi klo couplenya "beauty and the beast"...:P

  5. Oouuh...Mahal aja. Btw, gua boleh ngepar ga Jo? :P

  6. said "where the fuck will i get that money?"..tapi menurut gw...pertama2 itu harus cewe dulu bukan? then worry about the money later on? or is this the chicken and the egg question? money first, or girl first?

  7. hahaha

    simple mel, no money no cewe.... that's the harsh reality...

  8. ah bi, situ uda punya bini seorang AB juga masi lum puas? ;p

  9. bini banyak anak banyak masih blom puas....mao apalage seh bi???hahahahaha

  10. tu bi lo harus contoh arvin yg selalu puas dengan koleksi om2 nya..tinggal pilih mao om yg mana....

  11. jah ka!!!koq loe jadi ceng in gue???kurang ajar......

  12. g cuma mengatakan kenyataan dan kebenaran ngatain lah geto mah :p
