Sebenernya seh tempat ini lebi cocok buat nge-wine, tp karena gw perna denger kalo makanan disini enak juga yah dicoba aja deh. Gw seh dulu perna nge-dessert en snack gtu. Semuanya memuaskan!
The food:
1. Fettucini with Prawn (Rp. 60.000)
Homemade fettucini with two large prawns. Yummy!!!!! The creamy sauce is light yet creamy. The prawn gives a hint of 'sea' taste on the dish.. The portion is just enough, not too big and not too small.

2. Smoked Marlin Ravioli (Rp. 60.000)
A baked ravioli covered in mozzarella and cream sauce. The ravioli has marlin in it... YUMMY!! The combination of melted cheese, creamy sauce and the marlin filling is divine...

3. Peach and Strawberry Ice Tea (Rp. 30.000)
All the fruit tea is served with fruits pieces in it. Great and refreshing!

4. 3 Flavors Melted Chocolate (Rp. 35.000)
Yummy!!! Luarnya masi agak keras en dalem nya lumer.... Rasa dari choco filling nya juga yummy banget... Not the best melted choco ever but definitely on my top 10

The place is very cozy... With dimmed lights and the view of Bundaran HI, this place is one of the best spot to get the feel of J Town :)
Rating: 8.2/10
Location: Plaza Indonesia Lt. 1 No. 127A, 127D
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