Selai Cokelat KOKO (Rp. 25.000)

Selai cokelat homemade buatan my ex-boss Ko Suli. It's yummy!!!! Berbeda dengan kebanyakan selai cokelat di supermarket, yang ini agak keras. Menurut Ko Suli karena menggunakan palm oil lebih sedikit dari yang laen, so pasti lebih sehat donk. Rasanya coklat dengan tingkat kemanisan yang pas dan engga bikin eneg. Kalo dimakan dengan toast yang panas, selai nya akan sedikit melunak, yummmmy :)
Croque Monsiuer @ Starbucks

Standard issue toast with melted cheddar + mozzarela on top. They put scrambled egg with red bellpeppers inside. It was good but nothing special. It'll taste better if they cook it when we order not just microwave it
Claypot Rice with Beef @ Chatterbox

I don't really like claypot rice so i dunno what've gotten into me when I ordered this. It's hot and a bit bland... Wait for it till it cools down and u'll get urself a decent 'nasi tim' with a lot of beef slices
Caramelized Banana Crepes @ Kitchenette (Arghhh forgot the name!!! I think it was isabelle?)

YUMMYLICIOUS!!! The best crepe in town...
Espresso and Cream Frappucino + Caramel Frappucino @ Starbucks

Something new from Starbucks. The Espresso one is quite good, not as sweet as the usual frappucino and has that coffee taste whipped cream. Not bad :)
Selai cokelat homemade buatan my ex-boss Ko Suli. It's yummy!!!! Berbeda dengan kebanyakan selai cokelat di supermarket, yang ini agak keras. Menurut Ko Suli karena menggunakan palm oil lebih sedikit dari yang laen, so pasti lebih sehat donk. Rasanya coklat dengan tingkat kemanisan yang pas dan engga bikin eneg. Kalo dimakan dengan toast yang panas, selai nya akan sedikit melunak, yummmmy :)
Croque Monsiuer @ Starbucks

Standard issue toast with melted cheddar + mozzarela on top. They put scrambled egg with red bellpeppers inside. It was good but nothing special. It'll taste better if they cook it when we order not just microwave it
Claypot Rice with Beef @ Chatterbox

I don't really like claypot rice so i dunno what've gotten into me when I ordered this. It's hot and a bit bland... Wait for it till it cools down and u'll get urself a decent 'nasi tim' with a lot of beef slices
Caramelized Banana Crepes @ Kitchenette (Arghhh forgot the name!!! I think it was isabelle?)
YUMMYLICIOUS!!! The best crepe in town...
Espresso and Cream Frappucino + Caramel Frappucino @ Starbucks

Something new from Starbucks. The Espresso one is quite good, not as sweet as the usual frappucino and has that coffee taste whipped cream. Not bad :)
selai coklatnya bisa pesen gag ya????? kayaknya lux gt...heheheh