
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Kiyadon Sushi

I went to this resto for my b'day dinner with Cuplis. I've been meaning to try this resto since it opened but as usual.... money problem. I've tried Kiyadon before and it was very good (and also pricey) but this is my first time in Kiyadon Sushi.

The resto has a dark red theme. From the outside, it looks spacious but it's quite small actually. I suggest going to the one at TA coz it's bigger. The Service was very nice, i dunno why but the waitress keep on bowing. After all, that's what the 6% service charge for.

1. D.I.G (Rp. 65.000)
It's actually the same as Aburi Salmon Roll at Sushi Tei. Big rolled sushi with salmon, kani and topped with tobikko and floss. YUMMYLICIOUS

2. Tori Katsu Curry Rice (Rp. 53.000)
Standard issue curry rice. Big portion but nothing special. Slightly better than Zenbu's but Sushi Tei's is much better.

3. Tuna Salad Inari Maki (Rp. 45.000)
Delicious. The inari is not that sweet and fits perfectly with the tuna salad

4. Spider Cheese Roll (Rp. 45.000)
4 huge pieces of rice ball filled with soft shell crab and covered in seaweed, topped with melted cheese and mayonaise. Not so good, the flavor of cheese is overcame by the huge ball of rice

5. Niku Udon (Rp 60.000)
Veru recommended. Actually, all the udons are recommended. They udon are chewy, have a unique taste (wheat maybe) and the soup is very delicious.

6. Gelato and Sorbetto Ice Cream (Rp. 45.000)
It's the best ice cream in the world according (it claimed...) I tried 4 flavors and only 2 of them are above average. The Chocolate Caramel Crunch and Green Tea. The Avocado Choco Fudge tastes like puke and the Cookies and Cream is standard.

Deifinitely gonna come back for more D.I.G

Rating: 3.75 out of 5

An Alternative Suicide Technique

Just fill ur mouth with these daily and it'll be the sweetest suicide ever =)

The Dark Knight

Uda pada nonton kan? Bagus seh tu film... Tapi kok kayanya ada yg salah ya? Yeah it's good but i didn't think it was fantastic (quoting Simon Cowell) It's too sick for a superhero movie. I think Superhero movies are supposed to be entertaining, a lot of jaw dropping effects and of course, have a little childish/fantasy touch. But this one? Total darkness.....

Cape aja nonton nya.... Secara tu film lama banget... Dan sangat tidak sesuai buat anak-anak!!!

Anyway.... Bravo to Joker!!!! Kayanya tu film bukan nyeritain batman tapi nyeritain si Joker de. Dan ada apa dengan cewe nya? (Maggie Gylenhall kalo ga sala) Jelek...... kayanya hollywood ga kekurangan stok cewe cakep de, napa juga musti milih artis tampang ibu ibu gtu...

Yah..... dengan segala kekurangan nya, it's still my 2nd favorite movie of 2008 (iron man is still on the top of my list) Can't wait for Harry Potter, kapan ya keluar nya?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Quote of The Day

Last weekend, i went to EX with Ratu Iblis and Pudel Perek. Kinda late actually.... We got there at 11 pm i guess. After wondering around, we decided to nongki nongki at Death by Chocolate (foto nya nyusul ya, kompi gw menemui Yang Kuasa... ini di Multiplus)

Ratu Iblis : Eh B, gela ya, CPK waiter nya tampang nya lumayan lumayan ya. Badan nya oke oke pula... slurp slurp

Pudel perek : MANA MANA?!!! (sambil sibuk ngemut kue coklat)

Dr. B : oh em ji.... itu mah finalis L Men kalee, waiter darimana....

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Quote of The Day

On a Saturday night, in the middle of my boredom, i called my so called bff....

Dr. B: Eh loe ga kerja?

Ratu Lebah : Kaga ari ini....

Dr. B: ooooo... lage nge blow donk? (maksud gw ngeblow rambut lho...)

Ratu lebah : heh! nge blow tu kerja ya......

A few minutes later.....

B, mandiin......

Dr. B : bukan muhrimnya dut....

Monday, July 14, 2008

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Dr. B's B'day Bash

Yesterday, i had dinner with the bitches (mind the language). Ratu Lebah showed up late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Untung gw kaga pingsan di SenCi gara gara hipoglikemi... ckck u owe me hon xD

Anyway, we ate at Zhuma, a Japanese Resto. The food was nice although the portion is rather small... Well there'll be another entry about Zhuma. It was fun!! The long lost Ibu Duit came, gela.... kayanya uda lebi dari 2 bulan de gw ga ngeliat tu anak. And surprisingly, dia ga dijemput cowo nya!!!! WOW!!!!!

Lalu...... masuk ke bagian "surprise donuts"
Biasa... ibu pudel perek dengan segala acara ulang taon nya, tiba tiba dia en ratu iblis ke toilet luamaaaaaaaa bangettttttttt. Yah... ga sedodol itu la ya... gw pikir dia bakal beli cake di coffee bean eh ternyata........ KRISPY KREME!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! plus lilin lilin ga penting yang ga bisa mati. RESE!!! tu meja kita uda kaya kebakaran, asep dimana mana. Trus dinyanyiin ama waiter waiter nya plus tepok tangan yg kenceng berat (gw curiga ada training khusus tuh buat tepok tangan doank)

Tu resto ampun de.... masa gw lage mo makan unagi yg si pudel ga mau. Nah tu unagi ditaro la di piring. Baru gw ambil sumpit buat nyosor tu unagi yg uda diangkat si pudel, disamber lho ama waiter nya!!!! gw ampe bengong.... bye bye unagi...

Hari pun semakin malam en kita bingung mo kmana. Di tenga kebingungan gw ga jelas sapa yg meluncurkan ide buat CLUBBING! FYI usul pertama gw adalah ngafe, ke F bar ato Hard Rock tapi ya.... ujung ujung nya ke Blowfish... (yeah yeah yeah.... kita emank diem diem binatang pesta)

Blowfish seru! Hmm ga tralu rame (alhamdulilah..... gw ga ampe desek desekan) trus as usual, eye candy dimana mana. Dunno why, blowfish lebi banyak pemandangan daripada X2 or Equinox... Ratu lebah bawa money tree nya en dikenalin ke kita (No comment......) en then.... gw mabok...

Yup benar sekali, ternyata gw bisa mabok. Surprise!!!
Drink list :
1. Approximately stega pitcher illusion
2. 1 tequila shot
3. 1 one night stand shot
4. 1 whiskey cola
5. 1 chocolate martini
6. Cosmo yg dituang si pudel perek ke choco tini gw (sumpa tu aneh jadi nya)

En pas lage naek naek nya, si Ratu Iblis dengan begitu tidak punya perasaan nya (ga kaget seh secara dia yang empunya kerajaan iblis) nyuru gw nemenin dia ke parkiran gara gara konci mobil nya ketinggalan di mobil!!!!! Havu u ever tried being drunk, shocked and forced to run to the parking lot? U should try.....

Jem 2 lewat gtu, kita pulang. Begitu masuk mobil, gw ud ga sadar de. tau tau ampe depan ruma gw (makasih lho ratu, untung gw ga dilempar dari jembatan toket). Bahkan gw uda ga kuat ngambil dompet gw yg ketinggalan di mobil (alhamdulilah ade gw begitu baik hati nya mo ngambilin...)

Setelahh acara acara yg begitu banyak, tingga nungguin tagihan card... arghhhhhhhhhh

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Brothers and Sisters -The TV Show-

Gw baru aja selesai ntn Brothers and Sisters (dvd bajakan of course.... HIDUP INDONESIA!!) en i gotta say.... ME LIKEY

padahal tuh dvd uda nganggur di lemari gw ada kali 3 bulan gara-gara gw males ntn drama. Gw pikir bakal panjang en mendayu-dayu model2 Belenggu Pintu Cinta (FYI, buat yg ga tau, kesian bener seh masa kecil loe....) Eh ga tau nya, bagus!!!!

Sinopsis: Cerita nya simple, ada keluarga amrik (LA tepat nya), yah the suburbia type, secara ruma nya huge + pool. Nah keluarga nya itu ada bapak en emak plus 5 orang anak yg uda gede. Jadi ni film nyeritain wat happen to this family stela bokap nya meninggal. Nah, ada aja tuh problem nya, dari ketauan nya kalo so bokap punya bini muda, trus perusahaan nya mo bangkrut bla bla bla. Bintang utama nya si Calista Flockhart (A.K.A Ally Macbeal) trus bbrp pemaen laen yg cukup sering nongol di tv series barat en ada si Rob Lowe (perna maen di West Wing bbrp season). Oya, one of the brothers itu gay...

ga tralu menarik kan keliatan nya... nah... nonton dulu... Sisi menarik nya itu, problem yang diangkat itu menurut gw sangat mungkin terjadi di setiap keluarga, even yg di indo. Trus, walopun begitu banyak masalah en hal-hal memalukan yg terjadi, they support each others. Yah... intinya seh "dream family" lah..

Anyway, very recommended!!!! Funny, witty, entertaining and definitely addictive

Sunday, July 06, 2008


3:09 AM Jakarta

Di tenga malem malem buta, abis ntn Hancock yang menurut gw rada aneh.... gw chatting ma salah satu temen gw. Let's just refer him as Mr. Silet

Setelah ngobrol ngalor ngidul ga jelas (kaya perna aja chatting yg jelas juntrungan nya.....) kita ngomongin soal ulang taon. Long story short, gw ngebuka FB nya buat ngecek bday nya, gw lupa, 2 okt ato 12 okt. Relax Mr. Silet, i won't forget again.... Anyway, gw ngeliat ada Axioo di FB nya. Buat yang ga tau, Axioo adalah salah satu faktor yang akan membuat harta loe berkurang secara signifikan dan membuat budget kawinan loe bengkak dalam seketika. Axioo adalah...... Wedding photographer. In fact, It's one of the best in Jakarta (Menurut beberapa sumber....)

Nah..... setelah gw buka buka tuh hasil jepretan nya Axioo. Gw rada pengen kawin. hahahahahaha....... najiz ya? They are that good!!!!!

(info: Pre-wedding prices begin at Rp 22,000,000, and our Wedding day coverage prices begin at Rp 44,000,000,. Source: axioo website)

Okeh, masuk ke main course.... Setelah gw perhatikan, di sekitar 80% foto nya, couple nya rada rada mirip. Physically.... COWO NYA PAS PAS AN TAPI CEWE NYA CAKEPPPPP!!!!!
OMG.... i know this is like the reality of life where filthy rich guys get all the beautiful girls adn the rest of the guys will have to accpet the fact that they will only get those "ikan laut dalam". No offense for the fishes ya... It hits me, damn...... WHERE THE FUCK WILL I GET THAT MONEY?!!!

i know i know, y'all will just say i' m jealous or "halah B makanya.... duit tu ditabung, makan mulu seh loe!" yeah yeah maybe i'm a teensy bit jealous but the fact is, i don't have that kind of money. I don't even have my own car....

Why am i trapped in this hedonist society where money is the barometer of everything and the number one filter. Filter of what? Of course it's the filter of man. It's a man's most powerful weapon but also his ultimate weakness. I'll make it simple

man + money ---> man + gorgeous girls

man + every nice things that God can give besides money ---> man + ikan laut dalam

Back to those photos.. They are beautiful!! The couple looks so in love, so happy, so peaceful and so....... fairy tale -ish

But then again, who won't be as happy as they are if they take their pre-wed photos, lying on the grass with eifell tower as the background...

Friday, July 04, 2008

Quote of the day

Dr. B: heh heh
Dr.B : pasti uda sibuk
Dr.B : cuci mata de
Dr. A: HEH
Dr. A: lagi beresin kamar
Dr. A: smells like sex
Dr. A: bla bla bla
Dr. B: Ewwwwwwwwww

Dr. A: selingkuhan gue lg ga pd online
Dr. A: bt
Dr. A: makanya beres2
Dr. A: i am trying to tidy up my nest to lure boys in
Dr. B: Ewwwwwwwwww


I am proud to say that in my 23 years of breathing, i have nothing to regret. Not even a single thing. I didn't regret my fight with friends, not my failing grades and not even my fight with parents. Bad decision, stupid mistakes and unimportant quarrels, i never regret them.I consider them as the ingredients of making a superb dish called Dr.B. But yesterday, i know what regrets felt like.....

4 years ago, when i had my first E in my whole academic life, i was shocked. I sat and just "bengong" for 15 minutes in the hallway in front of the library, thinking about my extremely bad mark. I never thought that me, Dr.B would get such bad marks. Yes, i am fat and lazy son of a bitch but i'm not STUPID. And I really hate it when people dare to call me stupid coz i know I don't! I knew it's kinda narcistic and arrogant but hey, at least that's what i believe. That first E is the wake up call I need to make me sail through med school. I had some failed grades, a few Ds and Es but i know that's because i slipped and didn't study hard enough.

Apart from how lazy i am in front of my parents and friends, i work hard. Hard enough to make me drink Red Bull to stay awake in 3 am, forced me to grab a promag to minimize the nausea and the burping and for sleeping for 4 hours max for the entire exam weeks. My decision to take a part time job(the one u all know as the source of all my Zaras..) is also something that i won't regret. I love it even though sometimes it interferes with my study. My so called hedonist lifestyle, hanging out, clubbing or movie-ing is also something that i never regret.

But then, it happened. The God forsaken tragedy. The cursed grade. The demonic lecturer. The 'I don't know why the fuck i have to study this useless' subject. I failed. I failed. I FOR FUCK'S SAKE FAILED!!!!!!!!

Now, i'm not so sure of myself. Every night before i sleep, after i wake up, while eating, while showering and ever while going on a date with Mrs. Palmer (A tips from Dr. A, "google it hun") i regret it. I keep thinking, why now. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've studied that damn subject for two straight days, the material is not as much as pediatric and even not as much as dermatology and i passed BOTH!! But i why i have to fail in this THT thing.

I think i've lost my confidence, i regret how i studied and the worst thing is i feel like i'm a failure. A fucking failure. Yeah i know, there is no one think of me as a failure (Kepedean ya bo..) but the truth is, whenever i see myself in the mirror, i see a huge FAILURE written on my forehead. Just imagining that i will graduate next year, makes me sick. Everyone has graduated and i'm still stucked in that stupid med school.

It's been 3 days since i got the news, still depressed (signs of depreesion: compulsive eating and compulsive DVD watching) but i'm getting better. Just hoping that this is only temporary and i got back on track. Don't worry, i won't commit suicide, life is too damn precious.... But i definitely need something to cheer me up... Ideas?

Ps: Will a new loafers help me?

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Bye Bye S.Ked

When I woke up this morning, I instantly grabbed my cell. There they were, 8 new messages and 3 miscalls at 10 A.M. Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This must be bad news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I started scrolling down, looking for "the sms". And then, i read....

Ciwalit 57
Dr.B 49

My vision blurred and i didn't finish reading the sms. MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I called Perempuan Padang and she clarified that i failed THT. Got up and called Pudel, started on my lamenting session and entered my grieving mode.

Everything doesn't matter anymore, i failed and that's it. That SHIT has cost me another year in this fucking university. All I can do now is pray, hoping that there will be a class opened next semester, otherwise i'll have to take it on the even semester. Well done Dr.B Good Job!!!!!