
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Lost in Macau

Hey patients! Have u been to Macau? From Hongkong, I moved to Macau for a short one night trip. It's very common for Hongkong Tourist to travel to Macau since they are quite close. One thing that is interesting, in Macau, we can use Hongkong Dollar to pay for everything but not the other way around.. I wonder why...

Back to bahasa mode :) Dari hotel gw di daerah Yau Ma Tei, gw naik taxi ke ferry terminal. Gw cuma bilang sama supir taxinya (gw pake taxi karena jaraknya ga jauh dan biar ga repot cari cari aja sih...) Langsung deh sampe ke terminal ferry yang bawah nya mal. Kita langsung naik ke atas dan beli tiket ferry. Gw pake turbojet, tiket harga sekitar 250 HKD untuk one way economy class. Bisa aja sih beli yg VIP tp ga penting deh kayanya.... Nah abis beli tiket, kita antri imigrasi. Dari situ kita ke waiting lounge nya aja nunggu dipanggil. Nah di ferry terminal ini kurang rapih, agak sedikit membingungkan, jadi tanya2 aja sama orang orang disana. Tunjukin aja tiket nya dan tanya kita musti tunggu dimana.

Perjalanan dengan ferry ke Macau kurleb sejem, ga tralu lama apalagi kalo lagi cape, tinggal molorrr hehehe Buat yang ga mabok laut, siksaan batin sih secara goyang goyang gitu, kebawa ombak. Tapi overall, cukup nyaman lah.. Enakkan duduk di ferry daripada di low cost airline :(

Sampe di Macau, cuaca lebih dingin dari di Hongkong. Brrrr... Asik hihi Nah... terminal di macau lebih jelek lah intinya daripada di Hongkong. Turun ferry, langsung ke arah gerbang aja. Dari sana tinggal liat mana tuh bus bus dari hotel mewah di Macau parkir, tinggal naek deh. Moda transportasi umum di macau ga selengkap di Hongkong. Jadi kita manfaatkan saja bus gratis itu :)

Gw nginep di City of Dreams, Hard Rock Hotel. Kebetulan City of Dreams punya armada bus sendiri jadi gw tinggal naek en langsung nyampe ke sana. Shuttle bus jadwalnya juga enak , kayanya tiap 15 menit sekali deh. Jalanan pun bebas macet...

Sekilas Macau... Daerah nya berpulau pulau juga kaya Hongkong cuma ga serapih dan semodern Hongkong. Untuk hotel gw, lokasi nya di cotai, tepat di seberangnya Venetian yang hits bingits itu hehehe Di area itu isinya kompleks hotel super besar dan casino mewah yang baru. Selaen City of Dreams dan Venetian, Ada juga Galaxy dan Sands. Gila tuh Galaxy keren bener ya! Sayang harganya amit amit mahalnya...

Sampe di hotel kita langsung check in. Hotelnya cukup bagus walopun agak kurang mewah menurut gw. Di Hard Rock ini temanya nya rock star ya jadi ya gitu deh. More sexy less fancy... Di City of Dreams ini si Hard Rock yang paling murah walopun sama sama 5 stars, apa itu penyebabnya kamar mandinya kurang wow? Anyway... I love the hotel, sleek, simple and sexy.

ari hotel kita naek shuttle bus ke kota. Turun di Hotel Sintra, kita jalan kaki dengan tujuan ke St Paul Ruins (yang gw kaga tau dimana) Hp ga nyala karena sim card ga bisa dipake di Macau, free wifi agak busuk. Alhasil, gw ngasal aja jalan dengan pedenya, eh sampe juga hahahaa emank kecil sih kotanya, jadi don't worry too much.

Sampe di Senado Square, lapangan yang cukup gede sebelum sampe ke St Paul Ruins, foto foto dulu. Lalu ikuti keramaian jalan menanjak sampe ke St Paul. Gila dah kiri kanan jajanan semua, gw nyomot aja tuh samp;e dendeng di pinggir jalan, enak!

St Paul sendiri menurut gw nothing special ya, gitu gitu aja. Mendingan muter2 liat jajanan en souvenir di gang gang disana deh. Gw nyoba pork chop bun sama kuo tie di sebuah gang. Seru! Rasanya sih biasa biasa aja, cuma seru aja kan jajan panas panas live cooking di tengah dinginnya Macau hehe

Selain itu, jajanan khas Macau laennya adalah eggtart. Banyak banget yang display eggtart... Iman pun tergoda dan hap! langsung beli dan habiskannnn :p

Selesai dari sono, kita puter puter aja tanpa tau arah tujuan, dengan maksud cari Sintra hotel buat balik pake shuttle bus ke Hard Rock. Muter muter muter, laper... Nyari makanan bingung kok kayanya ga ada restoran yang buka. Bingung kan... Akirnya nemu sebuah resto chinese food deket Hotel Lisboa.

Makanannya... kurang oke.. Gw mesen nasi hainam, ayamnya kaya mentah, nasi nya biasa aja. Trus mesen babi asam manis, yummy :) Hati senang... Satu lagi pesen nasi goreng gitu, enak juga sih. Harga makanan di Macau agak mahal menurut gw, mgkn karena tempat ini turis bgt, jadi harga nya ya agak mahal. TAPI, kalo rokok atau minuman alkohol, murahhhhh bangettt. Gw dapet wine seharga 40 HKD (Rp. 64.000) bahkan ada wine yang harga nya 30 HKD saja.. Gila bisa mandi pake wine nih #lebayyy

Pemandangan malam di Macau sih mantep lah... Kasino warna warni, walopun kita ga judi tapi seneng aja ngeliatnya. U feel alive... Berhubung belum mampu ke Las Vegas, ya sudahlah kita ke Macau dulu saja...

Anyway, back to Hotel. Gw memutuskan untuk mencoba peruntungan di kasino bawah dan... GAGAL. Hiks... Seru sih ya di kasino, ngeliatin orang yang menang dan kalah judi, makin malem makin rame. It was a great experience I think. Trus jangan lupa, tidak boleh foto di kasino. Maklum norak, berfotolah kita di dalam kasino, ga ampe 5 menit didatengin dan disuruh hapus fotonya #malu

Malam masih panjan and it's time to have some fun! Di City of Dreams ada club yang konon paling hits di Macau yaitu Club Cubic. Masuknya bayar (damn gw pikir gratis) jadi tekor dahhh. Club nya keren sih... Gede, soundnya keren dan pemandangannya cihuyyy. Xiao Cie (baca: Gadis Cina) rok super mini kurang bahan bertebaran dimana-mana. Well, most of them are not free (baca: prostitutes) tapi cantiknya sih mantap, kalah dah artis... Sayang ni club lagunya top 40 tapi zaman 5 years ago.. Jadi kesannya kurang asik gitu, kaya club kota.

Di tengah malam sepulang nya dari Cubic, laper berat. Akirnya memutuskan buat mesen room service. The steamed minced pork was goooodddd, sayang mahal :( maklum sih room service.... Tapi enakkkk, jadi kepengen lagi nginep di Macau hehe

Keesokan harinya, gw bangun kesiangannnnnnn. Kacauuu... Gara2 clubbing dan supper, gw bangun jem 11 siang aja lho. Padahal itinerary gw jem 10 uda check out dan menjelajahi venetian hahaha  Saking nikmatnya tidur di Hard Rock, ampe kesiangan. Setelah buru2 mandi dan beres2, kita nyebrang ke Venetian. Venetian ini sih gede banget... Lebi gede dari City of Dreams padahal di City of Dreams ada 3 hotel (Hard Rock, Crowne dan Grand Hyatt). Karena waktu terbatas, kita buru2 foto foto trus masuk mallnya venetian buat cari makan. Uda ga sempet lagi deh muter2 ngeliat mall nya secara lengkap, we go str8 to food court. Ehhh Tuhan emank sayang padaku, tiba2 nemu Lord Stow's Bakery. Langsung aja gw beli eggtart buat jadi dessert abis makan hehe Anyway, egg tart nya enak! Tapi ya ga ampe kebawa mimpi sih seperti kata orang orang...

Makan di food court nya, juga enak! Gw order BBQ Rice pake babi dan bebek. OMG, that BBQ rice was YUMMYLICIOUS! Mahal sih seporsi ampir 100 HKD but worth every penny.. The Duck was sooo fragrant and juicy. Roast pork nya gede, juicy, gurih dan garing. I just died and went to BBQ heaven... Trus kita order juga sebuah makanan yang gw kaga tau namanya dari portuguese resto, semacam stew gitu deh. Rasanya sih mendekati curry tp less herb and spice, more creamy. Itu juga enakkkk yummmm love the food. Gila ya di food court aja enak apalagi di resto ya? (Apa gw nya aja emank rakus?)

Setelah termehek mehek sama tuh BBQ, gw cari shuttle bus buat ke ferry terminal. Oh ya, venetian ini shuttle bus nya banyak, jadi kalo mau jalan jalan, bisa memanfaatkan shuttle bus nya si venetian ini. Akhirnya... We're back to Hongkong!

See u in my next post patients, goodbye Macau!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Lost in Hongkong: Part 5

Day 3 in Hongkong!!!! Hello again patients, back to my Hongkong trip! Today's itinerary Disneylandddd, the happiest place on earth. Woohooooo
I didn't take pics of my breakfast that day :(

This is a chasiu steamed bun from a small stall near hotel. It was a perfect snack on a windy morning, yummyyyy

So let's jump to our first destination, Chi Lin Nunnery. From Yau Ma Tei MTR, take the green line and go to Diamond Hill Station. The Nunnery is just across the MTR exit (Hollywood Mall). To get to Chi Lin Nunnery, we went to Nan Lian Garden. Nan Lian Garden is a man made garden, manicured very beautifuly, it's like hidden paradise in Hongkong's concrete jungle. We walked around the garden and then go the Nunnery.

Chilin Nunnery is one of the biggest and historical temple in Hongkong. The location is at the mouth of a mountain, making it some sort of "gate" to the mountain. It was BEAUTIFUL!!! The ambiance is serene, mystical yet very comforting. I love love love temples...

We got back to Hollywood Mall and grab McD for lunch. Here it goes...

Wings Combo

Double Cheeseburger

I would say that the McD lunch is satisfactory. I like trying fast food places abroad. The taste is somehow different from Indonesia's fast food. The wings are good but a little bit expensive but everything is more expensive here right?

After lunch, we take a stroll at the mall and then went straight to Disneyland!!!!! 

To go to Disneyland, take the red line and then switch to yellow line at Lai King Station. From there, take the yellow line and switch to Disney Line at Sunny Bay Station. From there, there will be a special train to take you to Disneyland.

Disneyland was AWESOME!!! It is literally the dream of any children and adults :p The rides are fun and cute. I got on two roller coaster rides there, one is Space Mountin and the other one is Runaway Mine Cars. Geez... This is my first time and I'm not sure there will be a next time 

Anyway, other than the rollercoasters, the park is amazing. It's like entering dream world... :) Tips from me, go there late afternoon so you can catch the fireworks at 8 PM.

Back from Disneyland, we grab a bite in Flower Street, Mongkok and find this amazing small restaurant selling BBQ. Check it out

The chasiu is AMAZING!! Yummyfuckinglicious... Tender, Sweet and Savory at the same time, fragrant and really good texture. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

One thing to watch out when ordering food in Hongkong is the chicken. The usual pek cam ke or boiled chicken usually still has blood in the bones. Resulting in a tender chicken but tastes a bit raw. YUCK... The roast duck in the other hand, again... Yummyfuckinglicious

Each portion costs around 60-70 HKD but worth every penny

Thursday, April 03, 2014


A little break from my Hongkong post, now I'm gonna post a review about Mangia, a chic and hip restaurant that has caught my attention from maybe a year ago but never got the time to try.

Mangia has opened a new outlet in Grand Indonesia. Apparently, Grand Indonesia has done an impressive job creating a trendy dining place in its 5th floor. Can't wait to try 'em all :)

Anyway... Let's talk about Mangia. I notice that Mangia is a fusion restaurant. Judging from the artsy design, a place that serve "beautiful foo", the perfect place for makan makan cantik :p The decor is their Grand Indonesia outlet is a bit strange... The dominant grey walls combined with the pretty artsy stag head on the wall and flowers? It's confusing... And IMO the place is a bit too dark (and not to mention HOT)

The food:
1. Creamy Baked Potato (39.000 IDR)

YUMMY!!! This is not your ordinary baked potato... First, the potato is mashed but still has small chunks in it, mixed with cream and herbs and then baked with cheese. Presented on a bed of cream spinach and slices of bacon.. Heaven.. Potato, GREAT! Good consistency, creamy and fragrant, nice one Mangia. The spinach needs a bit of cooking, if only it is a wee bit softer, it would have been perfect.

2. Nasi Jeruk Sambal Dori (44.000 IDR)
This is supposed to be the recommended menu of Mangia. A signature dish of Mangia, consisting of fried rice with orange leaf and pan fried dori with sambal matah. Okay... Despite of the praise from people, I find this dish.. Meh...

An attempt to create a signature dish, a fusion dish gone wrong. Firstly, the rice... It is TOO DRY. I almost choked eating the rice... The orange leaf is too much. Seriously... The texture is BAD. Dry rice with leaves.. What could be worse? I get that they want to serve a herby, modern indonesian fusion dish but IMO not executed well enough. The dory with sambal matah is good, dory is cooked perfectly and goes very well with the spicy yet not lethal sambal matah.

Overall, I think the place is good, a little fix is needed here and there but with the affordable price, the cute ambiance and the unique menu, they will survive.

Location: Grand Indonesia 5F
Rating: 7/10