
Friday, March 18, 2016

Santai Malam 1001

Helloooo ni haooooo #CinaModeOn

Hari ini mau coba post review pake bahasa Indonesia aaahhhh... Walaupun gw tau kalo bahasa Inggris gw tergolong pas pas an, tapi ga tau kenapa kalo nulis blog tuh enakan pake bahasa Inggris. Sindrom sok bule gitu dehh ahhahhaa Nahhh karena hari ini post nya adalah soal makanan Indonesia, gw mau nulis pake bahasa Indonesia aja :p

Resto bernama Santai Malam 1001 ini sebenernya pemain lama di dunia per kulineran ibukota. Seinget gw, dulu pas masih kecil (tapi tidak mungil) gw pernah makan di sini sama bokap en nyokap gw. Nahhhh secara yaaaaa dah lama banget, gw bahkan dah ga inget tu rasa makanannya kaya apa. One day, gw diajak sama colleague gw, Oma Cis buat dinner disana pas kita abis nengokin orang di Gading. Ehhhhh tau tau nya disana ketemu lah gw sama Ibu Putri Mahkota kantor gw #RezekiAnakSholeh long story short, gw ditraktir lah disitu yihaaaaaa

Nah karena kmrn pas ditraktir makannya agak sedikit jaim (males banget kan pergi makan sama bos trus gw nyedot nyedot kerang gitu,,,) gw makan lagi deh a couple of weeks after that. This is what I ordered

Jadi menu andalan nya adalah ikan bawal ini... Bilangnya sih kalo ga salah Saos Padang ya (apa saus tauco gitu deh) tapi nongolnya kok item beginiiiii. Well... Penampilan sih emank menipu, bentuknya item dekil gitu tp rasanya mantep cuyyy.

Jadi si saus item itu kaya campuran kecap manis dan tauco, dikasi potongan rawit yang maha banyak. Rasanya pedes manis tapi gurih, mantaps! Terus ikannya walaupun gede tp gorengnya kering kemudian disirem saus/kuah nya. Kuah nya yang banyak bikin tekstur ikan nya tidak terlalu crispy tapi ga lembek juga.  U will get that beautiful combination of uneven texture and exploding spiciness of the chili padi. Yummylicious!

Selaen itu, si kerang ijo nya yang dimasak dengan nuansa rasa serupa juga enakkkk. Lagi-lagi trick yang dipakai ada deep fried raw materialnya kemudian disirem kuah super gurih nya itu. Another winner ladies and gentlemen.

Trakir pas mau ngembaliin menu nya ke waiter, ga sengaja gw ngeliat kalo tempat ini jual kerang nene!!!! I miss em sooo much jadilah pesen 1 porsi. Nah.... ini dia bencananya.. Saking napsu nya lupa kalo kuah nya pedes bgt, makan banyak dan besok nyaaa mencret --"

Anyway... Tempat nya ini rekomen banget! Great food and doesn't burn your wallet. FYI, dia sudah pindah dari tempat nya yang lama. Sekarang ada di ujung jalan nya Hay Thien (dari MOI, lurus sampe bunderan, ambil kanan lurus terus, ada sign nya di atas)

Very recommended buat yang lagi craving a different and unique taste of seafood like this, Santai Malam 1001 is the answer

Rating: 8/10
Location: Kelapa Gading

Saturday, March 12, 2016


Hey guys, I bet by now all of Indonesia has already familiar with Olivier, thanks to the super sensational murder by poison case a while ago... Well, apart from the overnight sensation, Olivier has become one of my new favorite place to eat in 2015. Yes people, it's damn good!

Being a member of the same group with Loewy and Union, they share similar vibe. The vintage decor, the neat servers (and the rudeness too) and the upscale-ish ambiance which attracts Jakarta's trendiest to come running. With the concepts of serving an asian/france fusion casual fine dining, Olivier has a balance offering on both asian food and french food. Personally, I don't have high hopes in a place that serves fusion dish, let alone a restaurant that serves two types of dishes distinctively. Well, I was proven wrong.

Complimentary bread

Crispy crust, warm bread and such delightful spicy butter. Perfect 

Roast Chicken with Ratatouille and Mashed Potato (125K IDR)

Hands down the best mashed potato ever! Silky smooth, creamy and buttery. Oh so so so damn good! Chicken is quite big, flavorful and juicy. Served on top oh some sort of juz? Another spot on cooking I might say... The chicken was fragrant, tender and I can really taste a combination of herbs from the chicken, nice..

 Dory Meuniere A La Grenobloise, Sauteed French Beans and Cherry Tomatoes (130K IDR)

This dish is good but missing the oomph factor. Everything was spot on somehow forgetable. Maybe it's lacking seasoning?
Chicken Wings with Spicy Marinade (70K IDR)

Another nicely executed dish but lacking the oomph factor. Sure the chicken was crispy and the dips was good but I feel the dish lost the connection to the dips, resulting in a nice and crispy wings but lack in flavor.

After this visit, I came back to Oliver a couple of months ago. I tried the pork belly/pork knuckle for sharing and it was so good! Yummmmm The pork was super tender, skin falling of the meat like cray cray

Recommended place to grab a hearty meal and s chic place to hang out with your dearest. Price is a bit pricey but worth every penny. See you in another time patients

Rating: 8.5/10
Location: Grand Indonesia West Mall GF