
Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Smooch, A new yoghurt place at Grand Indonesia

After trying a lot of yoghurt place, i've come to a conclusion that they basically taste the same. This one has a similar taste to Yogulicious and Heavenly Blush

Something-berry yoghurt with choco mochi, strawberry jam and japanese mochi
Peach yoghurt with mango mochi

Lots of toppings help a little but then again it's just yoghurt and i'm starting to miss my old skool ice cream

Rating : 7/10
Location: Grand Indonesia, West Mall


Akirnyaaa gw coba juga ni tempat... Basi bener ya sekian lama dibicarakan baru gw cobain sekarang...

Canteen, a cafe/resto next to Aksara Bookstore. A very cozy and chic place to hang out, always packed especially during weekend....

The Food:
1. Chicken Caneloni (Rp. 55.000)
YUMMY!!!! Untuk sebuah resto non italian, pasta nya seh yummy banget. Well, what's not to like, baked pasta with chicken, cream sauce and mozzarella. A lot of mozzarella :) Hearty portion with a very reasonable price!

Pudel Perek and her early dinner

2. Grilled Chicken (Rp. 65.000)
Half roasted chicken with baby potatoes and pepper salad. YUMMY!!!! It's not like ur usual roast chicken... This one has a hint of sweetness and sourness in it's gravy. The weird looking green/yellow/red pepper salad makes it even richer in taste. The baby potatoes are just perfect... Nothing beats herb-y baby potatoes when it comes to roast chicken ;)

3. Chocolat Fondant (Rp. 30.000)
YUMMYY!!!!! Easily grab a spot on my top ten fave desserts in J town... I was disappointed at first coz it was served BEFORE my main course. The vanilla ice cream was a bit melted when I ate it. The second turn off is it doesn't match the menu description... I was expecting a hot/melted chocolate cake. Instead, they serve me this chocolate souffle.. It's a different cake for God's sake! Anyway.. This thing is exceptionally delicious so I won't complain :)

Great food!!!!!! Every single of our orders is delicious! Too bad the service is a bit disappointing... The waiters are slow and easily distracted. When I pay, the waiter take my credit card with him, thinking that I've already paid. He didn't bother to check whether i've paid or haven't

My Rp. 20.000 Equil

Hate it when they only serve expensive bottled water *cheap mode on*

Anyway... Definitely gonna come back for more :) Recommended!!

Rating : 8.2/10
Location : Plaza Indonesia Extension F5

Monday, November 16, 2009


Busettt!!!! Nih film seh heboh beratt....

Ceritanya simple. hari kiamat. Yah ud lumayan sering kan kita dapet film ginian (The Day After Tomorrow, Deep Impact, Knowing , etc) Walopun ide nya ga baru, tp tetep aja.... Film tentang kiamat selalu menarik.. Apalagi ditambah special effects yang keren itu

Dari segi cerita, cliche abis... Dunia mau kiamat. Karakter standard film ttg end of the world keluar smua.. Ada scientist yang memprediksi, ada presiden amrik, ada cewe yang di akir film bakal jadian sama si scientist dan tentu saja ada tokoh utama, cowo, awalnya underdog tapi di akir film berubah menjadi pahlawan. Cliche banget kan?

Si 2012 ini bener bener tidak menawarkan hal baru... Well, not entirely seh... At least di film ini, terlihat kerjasama antar bbrp negara, bukan cuma amrik doank yg ditonjolkan. Trus disaster nya baru... Earth cracking plus kota yang hancur itu juga ide baru.

Yah dari segi effect seh bole lah... tapi dari segi cerita en cast seh rada pas pas an. Padahal leading role nya si John Cussack. He's one of my favorite actor... Tapi kok disini garing banget ya?

Satu hal yg gw suka dari film ini adalah penggambaran yg jujur tentang tingkah laku orang dalam keadaan kepepet. Kaya tokoh Anhausser... Si pengambil keputusan sulit. Emank seh dia cold blooded banget tapi emank harus seperti itu agar masalah bisa diselesaikan. Yah tentang si scientist nya seh only exist in movies seh.. I'm not sure such nice man exists

Overall seh wajib tonton.. Tapi jangan ngarep dapet film yang bisa blow ur mind. Entertaining but predictable banget...

Rating : 7/10

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Dedicated for Ms. Josephine Hadiwijaya. Thanks for the lovely dinner hon :)


We came here for Ratu Lebah's Bday dinner. After some careful consideration, she chose Pastis :) Quite popular lately, this kitchen/lounge doesn't offer a wide range of western food. The number of dishes is very limited....

The place is very elegant place with chandeliers and liquor racks at the wall. Add the comfy sofas and a DJ, u can wine ur nite away :)

The food:
1. Half Roast Chicken (Rp. 80.000)
Not ur usual roast chicken. The chicken is roasted till its a bit crispy on the outside... Then the very yummy mushroom gravy is poured over the chicked. Served with baked potatoes and green salad, this dish made me full.. YUMMY...

2. Taglioni Salmon
Standard issue salmon pasta... The taglioni is a bit overcooked, the cream sauce is not that creamy and somehow a bit sweet...

3. and 4. Steaks
I forgot the names!!!!!! Damn... Both of them are good but not special. The mashed potato is too cheesy. The medium well one is actually well done.. The medium steak is better

5. Shasoukla (Rp. 50.000)
A morrocan dessert. Thin crispy pastries with custard, chopped nut, whip cream and fresh strawberries. Fresh, not too sweet and balanced. Yummy.. "Tastes like martabak kering", said Ibu Duit

6. Sorbet Platter
3 mini glasses of lime, kiwi and raspberry sorbet. The lime sorbet is so fucking sour!!!! I like the raspberry but then again, not a fans of sorbet..

7. Chocolate Melt


A great place to hang out but a bit overrated. The food is definitely above average but not special... Great service and great ambience. The clientele is very cuci-mata material... Manohara included hahahaha

Rating: 7.8/10
Location : Kuningan Suites, next to Four Season Hotel

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Astro Boy

A must see movie!!

Uda pada tau kan soal robot yg satu ini... sejak zaman gw masi SD juga uda sering baca komiknya. Robot berbentuk anak kecil yang bisa ngeluarin senapan mesin dari pantatnya (WTF...) en terband dengan roket dari kaki nya itu hehhe

Sekarang dibikin versi movie nya... Gw suka banget! This is how a cartoon movie shud be! Simple story line, simple conversation and kid-friendly joke (not some lame adult jokes like Shrek's).

Very entertaining and provide 90 minutes trip down the memory lane :)

Rating : 8.3/10

Inglorious Basterds

Basi banget ya gw hare gini baru ntn Basterds... Tapi gpp... yang penting uda ntn. Gw ampe bela belain ntn sendirian di PJ (untung nya masi ada disono hehe)

Cool! As usual, Tarantino's movie is always unique. The camera angle, the plot and the bitter sense of humour is very entertaining.

Brad Pitt plays Lt. Aldo Raine, an American soldier whose objective in life is to kill as many NAZI as possible. I can't say that i'm impressed. Yes, he played the part very well but I dun think it's memorable. The funny accent really helps but that's it...

Diane Krugger is veryyyyy beautiful. Period.

My fave character is Col. Hans Landa... Played by Christoph Waltz, some German actor i think.. Funny, cold, convincing and original. Can't wait wat will happen everytime he shows up hehehe

Overall, this is a must see movie!

Rating : 8/10

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Sari Bundo

Just a quick review. Sari Bundo is a well-known Nasi Padang franchise here in Jakarta. Not my first visit actually, been to their jl. Juanda branch a few times.

As a huge fan of Nasi Padang, I dun like this place very much. I prefer Garuda or Sederhana... But although it's a franchise, the quality of the food in each branch is different.. So maybe i just went to the wrong branch.

The price is moderate (compared to the over-priced Garuda) but the size of the dishes is very small. When I saw the chicken leg, I swear I thought it was bird leg.... :p

Anyway... Nasi Padang never fails ;)

Location : Perumahan Pesona Khayangan, Depok
Rating : 6.5/10

Dimana-mana Makanan

Nasi Timbel + Bebek Goreng Cabe Hijau @ Bebek Kremes Wong Jogja

Ayam Goreng Kremes Nasi Uduk Legenda 22

Ebi Floss Roll @ Sushi Tei
Yuckk... The ebi furai is chewy and cold and the floss is tasteless

Nabeyaki Udon @ Sushi Tei
Yummy.... Warm soupy udon with ebi tempura, chicken and enoki mushrooms. A perfect dinner for hungry-mode me

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Seafood Acui

Akhirnya...... Kembali ke kancah per blogging an... Sebenernya bingung juga seh mo nulis apa secara basi bener ya hidup gw... Ga ada resto resto seru yang bisa direview jadi nya cuma nge-blog kuliner Depok nan tak jelas itu

Pada kesempatan kali ini, gw makan di Seafood Acui di daera THI, Jelambar. Makannya pas bis jaga, bersama ayah bunda dan adik adik tercinta lho ;)

The food:

Udang Telor Asin (Rp. 22.000)
Yummy..... Tapi kecil banget porsinya!!!!!! Masa cuma 5 doank???

Cumi Goreng Tepung
Yummy... Garing en asin, the way i like it :)

Ikan Bakar
Not bad seh.... Tapi ikan nya juga kecil!

Kangkung Terasi
Hmm agak kurang seh....

Cumi Bakar
Cuma 2 biji lhoooooo

Kerang Dara Rebus
Aneh banget! Kerang nya ga bisa dibuka!!!!!!!!!!

Enak seh cuma kecil banget porsinya!!!!!!!! Karena posrsinya kecil, jadi mahal deh berasanya

Rating: 7.5/10
Location : THI