
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Tavola

A Tavola is an Italian restaurant located in Kemang Area. I remembered reading a review of this place, stating that this place serves authentic Italian cuisine with affordable price. So... Me and Asmet visited this place a while ago when we were confused of getting what to eat :)

The place is quite small. Mediterranean style decor but a bit rusty here and there. The place looks a bit dated and got that "kantin" feel. Personally, I don't like the place but that's what you get with that kind of price right?

The food:
1. La Voglia (Rp. 70.000)

Cheese platter served with foccacia, black olives and olive oil on a wooden cutting board. Presentation was good :) Love it. The cheese served are Bel Paese, Asiago and Fresh Mozzarella. Bel Paese is the round white one. Similar texture with brie but a bit harder. The Mozzarella is a not as chewy as I expected, maybe because of the "fresh" factor. The Asiago is quite salty but goes very well with the olive oil. Let me remind you that I am no cheese expert but I do LOVE cheese. For me, this platter is good but not great. Oh I forgot, hate the foccacia... Too dry!

2. Zuppa Ai Funghi (Rp. 18.000)

A plate of cream mushroom soup. Made of champignon and porcini mushroom, this soup is quite yummy. Not the best I ever had but not bad. The soup is not creamy enough for me but the texture is perfect. The bread is crunchy, love it :) I can't stop wondering why they put shredded cheddar on top of the soup.. Cheddar makes every dish tastes cheap!

3. Ravioli Con Funghi (Rp. 38.000)

This dish made me confused. The ravioli texture is okay but tastes a bit sweet. I dunno what they use to make that orange ravioli but that certainly not goes well with the creamy sauce. The sauce is a do-it-yourself cream sauce, I can cook better cream sauce than that. The shredded cheese on top, total turn off. The mushroom bits helped a bit but I didn't enjoy that ravioli as much as I expected.

4. Fettuccine Alla Norcina (Rp. 50.000)

Fettuccine is not al dente. Again with the cream sauce... Disappointed. The fresh chopped tomato is confusing. They serve the fettuccine with a nice italian sausage but it can't help the confusing pasta, too bad.

For me, no good. Yeah it's cheap but that is not an excuse for some weirdness in my pasta. As a place that serves cheese platter, I expect more. Authentic? Hmm... In some ways yeah but in many ways, I don't think so. Good value for money but doesn't entertain the palate much.

Rating: 6/10
Location: Kemang, South Jakarta

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Chef's Table by Din Tai Fung

Hellooo patients! :) Wadduppp

Just yesterday, I went to Emporium Pluit Mal with Mami en Ai Foing.. Since work has been crazy this last couple of weeks, I decided to atone my sins from ignoring my family for a while. Mami wanted to try this recently opened Chef's Table restaurant. Hmm.. One thing that got me interested is the tagline "by Din Tai Fung" also known as the world's best xiao long bao. So.... Let the story begins...

Hmm... Tempat nya sih biasa banget. Dibilang mewah kaga, dibilang jelek juga kaga. Yang jelas PANAS! Ga ngerti deh ya, apa AC nya rusak ato gimana tapi yang jelas menurut gw tempatnya agak panas. Mereka bahkan menaruh 2 buah Oxone bladeless fan (yang gw kaga ngerti ngaruh ato engga) tepat di belakang mami en ie ie. Decor nya standar chinese food restaurant dengan tableware yang juga standard. Mungkin ini versi ekonomis dari Din Tai Fung kali ya... Semacam Imperial Chef nya The Duck King gitu...

Perlu gw tambahkan disini, service sangat buruk!!!!!! Tragedi pertama terjadi ketika dia menawarkan kalau ada promo dengan BRI kalo ga salah. Nah berhubung kita ga punya, si Ai Foing nanya, kalo kartu laen ada promo ga? Si waiter nya dengan gelagapan bengong, trus dia sibuk nanya dulu ga tau kemana, kemudian balik lagi buat ngasi tau kalo tidak ada promo dengan credit card laen. Is it hard to memorize what promo u have in the place?

Tragedi lain yang terjadi adalah mengenai sup. Jadi Ai Foing pengen makan semacem sup ayam gitu, nah dia tanya "ini sup nya pake ayam kampung bukan?" Trus si waiternya bingung. Lalu dia bilang bukan. Karena dia ragu2, ngacir lah dia dan kembali dengan membawa kabar kalau mereka pake ayam kampung. Is it sooo hard for Chef's Table/Din Tai Fung to train their waiter's knowledge about their own menu? Isn't that why u pay them for? FYI patients,menu nya tuh minim dibanding resto chinese laen yang uda kaya buku pelajaran menu nya.. I didn't blame the waiters secara mereka juga gw yakin kaga perna makan tu makanan di dalem menu tp masa ga dikasi tau sih...

The food:
1. Xiao Long Bao Kepiting dan Babi (Rp. 46.000/4 pcs)

Komentar dulu soal menu nya... Masa English nya jadi Crab Meat and Pork Dumpling... Cape dehhh, makanya gw tulis indo nya aja, biar kaga membingungkan. Untuk soal rasa, this is the best Xiao Long Bao in Jakarta. I've tried more than 10 version of Xiao Long Bao in Jakarta and not a single one can beat Din Tai Fung's. Denger denger sih dapet 1 Michelin Star ya tapi gw lupa Din Tai Fung yang dimana... Kunci kelezatannya menurut gw terletak di kulit nya. Kulitnya itu mulus, kaga gampang pecah lembut en kekenyalannya perfect. Ditambah lagi isi daging nya yang mantap dengan kaldu yang gurih. Yummylicious!!!!

2. Pink Diamond (Seafood) and Emerald Green (Salad) Xiao Long Bao ( Rp. 38.000/4 pcs)

Ini adalah produk baru dalam dunia per Xiao Long Bao an. Lucu ga sih warna warni gitu kan jadi nya. Hmm... Gw ga nyoba yang emerald green... Tapi yang pink diamond sih not bad lah.. Seafood nya berasa banget kaldu udang dan kepiting. Tinggal cocol dikit ke kecap asin en cuka item, tambahin jahe, nom nom nom :)

3. Jiao Ze Sayuran dan Babi (Rp. 28.000/pcs)

Ini kuo tie tapi di steam dengan isi sayuran yang gw asumsikan kucai dan daging babi cincang. For me, the skin is perfect but the filling is a bit bland. Dip in soy sauce if u want to get a decent taste. Filling nya emank padet banget tapi sayang terlalu banyak sayur sehingga daging nya kurang berasa ya.

4. Mie Saus Cha Jiang (Rp. 43.000)

Cha Jiang Mien ini kan salah satu menu favorit di Cina sono ya tapi gw emank kaga gitu demen sih... Gw lebi demen mie yang kuah ada wantan nya ato ga mie hongkong gitu. Berhubung ini yang di rekomen sama waiternya, gw pilih yang ini. Porsinya kecillll (ato perut gw yang kegedean?) Dibandingkan dengan di tempat laen, menurut gw di sini rasanya lumayan enak. Tapi sayang mie nya kelembekan (sesuatu yang tidak berubah dari ketika pertama kali gw makan Din Tai Fung bertahun-tahun yang lalu di Arcadia Senayan) Kalo uda diaduk-aduk, rasanya jd mirip spaghetti bolognese gitu hehe

5. Udon Udang Saus Spesial (Rp. 60.000)

According to Ai Foing, this one sucks. Hmm menurut gw seh ga sampe sucks lah... Emank agak kemanisan dan ga ada pedes2nya ni udon tapi yang agak mengecewakan adalah udangnya. Kecil bener ya... Lebi gede udang di kwetiaw medan di sepanjang jalan Muara Karang. Oya, porsinya juga kecillll, buset deh..

6. Tahu Telur Asin (Rp. 55.000)

Okay... Yummylicious!!! Tahu telur goreng yang langsung pecah di mulut dan diselimuti dengan telur asin yang passss banget. Duh... Melts in your mouth deh pokoknya. Mantep abisss

7. Mango Fantasy (Rp. 58.000/L)

Yummylicious!!!! I'm a sucker for dessert and this one is just irresistable.... Shaved iced yang dibentuk kaya menara, dikasi Mango Ice Cream Haagen Dasz, dilumuri mango sauce and evaporated milk kemudian banyak banget mango cubesnya... Gw sampe brain freeze makan ni dessert and I can't stop wanting more and more :)

The food is good. Ada kekurangan sedikit di sana sini but overall gw cukup puas bahkan sangat puas dengan Xiao Long Bao nya... Yang sangat menyebalkan adalahhhh service nya! Seperti sudah gw tulis di atas, uda 2 tragedi. Nah ini berikutnya..

Setelah makan, Ai Foing mau bungkus buat ngasi Kung Kung dirumah. Beberapa saat kemudian, datang waiter berbaju item putih yang ngebawain pesenan kita.. buat dine in! Si Ai uda bengong nih, tp tu waiter sebelum sampe meja kita uda diberentiin sama temennya yang nyuru dia balik. Jadi tu makanan blm sampe meja kita. Gw uda bingung kan, kok begini sih, jelas2 kita uda ngabisin dessert terus dia masi mau nganterin main course? Logika nya aja deh...

Ehhhh beberapa saat kemudian, tiba2 datanglah satu orang waiter lagi buat nganterin pesenan kita yang lagi lagi buat dine in!!!!!!!!!! Gw kesel banget kan, gw uda ngomel2, boro2 ada yang ngomong maaf pak, yang ada waiternya langsung kabur. Terus, disono ada supervisor mereka 2 orang, cewe. Ngeliatin kita terus dan gw yang lagi ngomel. You know what, mereka cuma diem aja sok sibuk nuang teh! Gw blg sama waiternya, panggil manajer kamu, 2 kali en tidak ada yang nongol. Satu orang malah bilang dengen gelagapan, manajernya ga ada! Gila ga sih tu restoran???!!!!! Service macam apa itu????

Pas gw keluar, ada seorang bapak2 dengan baju bebas yang berdiri mengucapkan terima kasih. Langsung aja gw ngomong "bapak manajernya?" trus dia bilang "iya pak" uda aja gw ngomong dengan suara kenceng "bagaimana sih take away bisa dateng sebagai dine in setelah saya makan dessert! Bagaimana sih kitchen kamu?!! Apa bedanya makan disini sama pecel lele di depan?!!!" Dia cuma bisa "o iya, maaf pak, maaf pak" Uda aja gw tinggal langsung.

Sebagai sebuah restoran yang bisa gw kategorikan mahal, service disini PARAH BANGET!!!!

Rating: 5/10
Location: Emporium Pluit Mall, F5

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Bakmi Wewe

Ga tau kenapa, belakangan ini ngidam bakmiiiiiiiii terusssss. Padahal kita ketahui bersama, makan mie itu kan musuh besar nya diet yeeee. Secara gw bercita-cita biar ga semakin melar, makan mie harusnya jadi pantangan donk... Tapi apa daya... I surrender to the temptation of noodle..

On one Sunday morning, gw en Asmet lagi di daerah Kota. Tiba-tiba aja gw keinget sama Bakmi Wewe. Gw tau nya ini dari postingan orang juga yang nulis kalo ini masuk salah satu mie favoritnya.

The food:
1. Bakso Goreng (Rp. 5.000)

Kualitas bakso gorengnya sih... lumayan saja. Not the best but definitely appetizing. Kadar kegaringannya pas, crunchy luarnya en agak alot dalemnya. Sebenernya sih paling mantep kalo bakso goreng itu panas tapi berhubung disini ga bisa dipanasin, ya mau diapain.

2. Bakmi Kriting

Lupa harganyaaaaaaaaaa :( Tapi ga mahal2 amat kok, less thank 20K per bowl, so it's quite affordable. Bakmi yang di Mie Wewe adalah jenis bakmi keriting. Buat patients yang doyannya mie keriting,this is recommended! One of the best I ever had in Jakarta. Rasanya gurih, porsinya cukup dengan daging yang engga pelit. Gw liat daging cha siu nya bikin sendiri jadi rasanya juga lebi enak daripada yang cha siu nya suka keras ga jelas karena uda lama. Gw sendiri kurang begitu demen sama mie keriting, gw lebi suka yang lurus gitu. Itu aja menurut gw mie nya lumayan yummy, karena bumbu nya berasa. Kadang mie keriting karena mengandalkan topping nya yang daging banget jadi suka ngelupain ngasi rasa yang mantep buat mie nya, padahal kan kalo makan kita makan mie en dagingnya ga bersamaan ya...

Gw lumayan suka ni mie :) Untuk mie keriting, Bakmi Wewe is definitely on my list!p

Rating: 7/10
Location: Ketapang Jakarta

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Deltoro's BBQ Ribs and Steak

Deltoro's in Grand Indonesia has tickled my curiosity for a while. I've been passing through this ribs and steak for several times and this place always offers some sort of credit card discount. Finally, I gave in to my carnivorous desire and dragged Asmet with me to have a Flintstone session *grin*

The place is a generic mall resto. Wooden interior with several sofa cubicle and square tables. The decor is really standard, a bit disappointed considering they put a high price on their menu. The waiters are attentive and understand the menu so that's a plus from me.

The food:
1. Deltoro's US Pork Spare Rib (Rp. 200.000/Full Slab)

YUMMY!!!! The us ribs are sooo tender. I'm not a big fan of that pricey rib place so for me finding this affordable ribs with good quality is a blessing :) Only available in BBQ sauce despite the 3 options available in the menu, this is a must try. Humongous ribs in a huge plate that can satisfy my gigantic appetite, nicee :) The BBQ sauce has a tangy flavor layered with sweetness that seeps through the ribs. The bones the spare ribs is so tender, you can eat it if u want. The meat is marinated nicely, juicy and tender. The mashed potato is just okay, slightly above average :)

2. Balinese Original Local Pork Baby Back Ribs (Rp. 184.000/Full Slab)

Another giant piece of meat landed on our table and again satisfying. Although I prefer the spare ribs, this one is also yummy. The meat is not as tender as the US ribs but the traditional feel is a very interesting. Resembling those traditional ribs joined, the sweetness from sweet soy sauce dominates this dish. With hints of spiciness and the sambal available, all we need is a plate of hot rice to make this dish unforgetable.

A recommended place for u carnivores!

Rating: 7.5/10
Location: Grand Indonesia, Jakarta

Friday, October 21, 2011

Arang 22

Annyeong haseo...!!!!!!

It's Korea timeeeeee :) Makanan Korea adalah salah satu favorit gw tapi emank agak jarang sih makan korea.. Yah.. Secara kalo makan korea minimal 150k, kan sakit ati tuh.. Jadinya jarangggggggggg banget makan korea. Masalah nya makan korea tuh seru!

Kali ini gw sama Asmet nyobain Arang 22! Penasaran sih uda lama banget pengen nyoba resto ini... Seperti layak nya restoran korea di daerah Kebayoran Baru, dari luar keliatan kaya rumah biasa gitu, palingan cuma rame sama tulisan-tulisan korea gitu. Dalem nya juga typikal, meja biasa en lesehan style dengan dekor serasa di rumah yang tidak terkesan mewah tapi meja nya gede en biasa nya dilengkapin tv (mungkin buat karoke kale ya)

The food:
1. The appetizers (complimentary)

Ada 11 macam appetizer yang disediain buat kita, gratis en bisa reffill!!! Yang gw suka tentu saja kimchi nya, yummy banget :) Terus... Kerang dara nya juga yummmmm!!!! Sayang sekali appetizer laennya sih biasa aja... Telur tim nya kaga enak en kentang-kentangan nya biasa banget..

2. Jab Che (Rp. 95.000)

Jab Che adalah soun goreng ala korea yang enak banget! Gw tau sih, sangat menggelikan kalo kita bayar segitu mahalnya buat sepiring soun goreng dengan topping seadanya tapi tetep aja, tidak menyesal sama sekali!!! Every korean place serves Jab Che and IMO Arang has the best Jab Che I ever had. Rasanya berani, asin en gurih. Porsi nya besar en tingkat kematangan soun nya passss. YUMMYLICIOUS!!!!

3. Gun Mandu (Rp. 59.000)

Gun Mandu itu sebenernya kuo tie ato ada yang bilang pangsit shanghai. Bentuk nya seperti suikiaw tapi kulitnya lebih tebel en di pan-fried atau deep fried. Hmm... Standar banget deh.. Tapi bole lah untuk variasi dari makanan korea yang cenderung pedes en garlicky itu. Apa mungkin si Arang 22 punya kurang enak, gw juga ga ngerti.. Tapi yang jelas, kalo untuk kuotie, gw milih versi chinesenya aja deh.

4. Daeji Kalbi (Rp. 85.000)
Let's move on to BBQ!!! Yang bikin bon makan membludak kalo makan korea adalah makanan BBQ nya.. Dilema sih, kalo mesen bangkrut, ga mesen ga mantep. Kmrn ini sebenernya mau mesen beef tapi berhubung harganya di atas 200k per porsi, kita makan pork aja yaaaa. Anyway, right decision! The pork was tender and grilled perfectly. Empuk en ga ada bau bau nya... Untuk makan BBQ gini, disediain pelengkap berupa selada, bawang putih en saus nya. Di tempat laen, untuk daun pembungkus BBQ nya ada sebuah daun yang cuma perna gw liat di resto korea, di Arang cuma pake lettuce doank. Hmm.... Ga tralu beda jau sih cuma berasanya ada yang kurang aja.

Buat yang bingung gimana makannya... Jadi kita ambil sehelai daun, taro daging yg sudah dicocolin ke saus nya lalu taro di atas daun. Tambahkan potongan bawang putih mentah en pelengkap lainnya. Lipet daunnya lalu makan!!!!

Rasanya... YUMMYY!!! It's something that u got to try urself. Bawang putihnya ngasi rasa pedes yang gimanaaa gitu, mantep dahh

Authentic korean cuisine worth a visit :)

Rating: 7.5/10
Location: Tulodong Bawah 1A, Kebayoran Baru. Jakarta

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Last week, in the middle of Plaza Indonesia, Me and Asmet stumbled upon this new place while wandering around trying to figure out what to eat. I've noticed for a while that there's a place called Playground under construction but I thought it was gonna be a real playground. Apparently it's a resto/cafe/bar/lounge, another one in Plaza Indonesia :)

The place is... Awesome! Despite people passing by the middle section, Playground's design successfully bring it's patron to another dimension. I forgot I was in Plaza Indonesia for a while. The sleek and posh design, the cool house music by the DJ and the fun attitude of the servers are just what I expected from a place called Playground.

The food:
1. Good Ol' American Fried Chicken (Rp.58.000)

Grrrr.. Thanks to the advice of our waiter, I picked the wrong dish. I expected the fried chicken resembles the one at Chili's.. Crispy and spicy. Instead I got this bland tasting fried chicken with rice and fries. The rice is great IF u served it with Japanese food, It's too soft to my liking :( The fries is just ok, could've done better. One thing I have to say, good presentation.

2. Katsutti (Rp. 65.000)

Our waiter said that this was THE recommended menu of Playground. Without any further explanation, Asmet ordered it expecting it to be good. It turned out.. Great!!! Yummyyyy. After this dish, I noticed that Playground serves fusion food!!! Katsutti is what you called hicken katsu tamago toji don in Sushi Tei or chicken katsu nabe in Katsusei. The difference is instead of rice, they served it with spaghetti in cream sauce. The combination of the flavor is stunning. I was amazed on how this super weird combo turned out to be yummy :) The creaminess of the pasta accentuates the saltiness of the katsu's sauce. Even though the portion is not that big, Asmet seeemed full, maybe coz the flavor is very intense.

3. Berry Go Round (Rp. 40.000)

It's a smoothies made of strawberry juice, blueberry jam, cranberry juice, fresh milk and mango syrup. The taste is refreshing but too bad the glass is so smallll

4. Iced Tea (Rp, 20.000)

Nothing special bout this but the presentation is oh so cool :)

5. Zabaglione (Rp. 35.000)

According to the description, it's a deconstructed mille feuille. Hmm... I can't say much except that the custard taste nice athough a bit too thin, the sliced pastry is tasteless and they put a lot of fresh strawberries. Very very nice presentation but not that yummy....

A great place to hang out on a Saturday night

Rating: 7/10
Location: Plaza Indonesia Extension F4, Jakarta

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Duel (Ebisu Curry VS Go! Curry)

Today we're gonna have a duel!!!!! *excited*

The theme is... Curry! First, please welcome, Ebisu Curry....!!!

Ebisu Curry ini gw ketahui dari salah satu postingan fellow foodie blogger, actually gw lupa sih yg mana but thanks for the info :) Si Ebisu Curry yang terletak di Kamome Building Melawai (same one as Ramen 38) merupakan resto japanese curry yang authentic. Kalo gw ga salah liat di resto nya, ada foto Ebisu Curry yg di Jepang so I assume it's good.

Tempat nya sebelas dua belas ya sama si Ramen 38, kecil abis en sempit! Tapi gpp seh, dirasa rasain serasa makan di warung di Tokyo aja ya hehe.. Dekorasi minim abis dengan bangku en meja seadanya, ruangan nya agak panas dan kurang nyaman sih menurut gw tapi ya we come for the food right?

The food:
1. Original Curry Bi size with Pork Katsu (Rp. 71.000)

Jadi begini.... Kenapa nama menu nya aneh? Karena cara pemesanan curry nya agak unik. Pertama kita musti mulih mau saus curry jenis apa, ada yg halal en non halal. Kemudian pilih ukuran nya, e (small) bi (medium) atau su (large). Berikutnya kita pilig topping nya, toppingnya komplit dari pork katsu, pork fillet, ebi fry, yasai, ajitama dan sebagainya dengan harga yg berbeda beda :)

Curry sauce nya... Menurut gw sih biasa aja ya... It's good but not great. Tentu saja better dibandingin sama saus curry di japanese resto jadi jadian yang tersebar di berbagai mal ibu kota tapi kalo dicompare sama high end japanese resto laen menurut gw nothing special ya. Keunggulan nya adalah saus nya itu smooth banget dan kental sehingga pas banget dimakan sama nasi.

Kekurangan nya itu kok ga ada topping seperti wortel atau kentang gitu ya. I love big chunks of carrot in my japanese curry :( Nasi nya juga kurang ok, ga kaya japanese resto rice tapi kaya nasi dir rumah aja. Pork katsu yang daging nya sirloin itu juga kurang maksimal.. Agak sedikit overcooked trus rada alot gitu, tidak seempuk yang gw harapkan dari sebuah curry dish seharga 70 ribu sekian

2. Original Curry Bi Size with Buta Shabu (Rp. 64.000)

Okay... I got tricked by the menu! Di menu nya tertulis kalo topping buta shabu cocok untuk pencinta daging babi.... Hasilnya adalah beberapa slice daging babi tipis yang sangat amat ga nyambung sama curry nyaaaaa :( Bete banget deh... Mustinya nyoba pake ebi fry ato apa gitu ya.. Gara2 salah pilih topping, gw agak bete gitu tapi untung nya bisa ngembat pork katsu nya asmet hehehe Dia lagi ribut mau diet kecilin perut jd karena gw baik hati dengan sangat terpaksa gw nerima limpahan pork katsu punya dia *joged joged*

3. Caesar Salad (Rp. 15.000)

The best bargain for caesar salad ever! Porsi besar, fresh veggies and nice dressing. IMO, the best dish of the night. Sedikit beda sama caesar yg biasa, di sini dikasi telor rebus en potongan tomat juga. Rame banget ni caesar hehehe yummy :)

Untuk dessert nya kita dikasi blackberry jelly gratis! The jelly was yummyyy, a perfect ending for the heavily spiced dinner.

Rating: 6/10
Location: Kamome Building, Melawai, Jakarta

Now the opponent... Go! Curry...!!!!!!!

Gw tau Go! Curry dari blog nya fellow foodie jugaaaa, the one and only Jenz :) Thank you Queen of Foodie Blogger hehehe

Go! Curry adalah sebuah resto yang semua aspect nya tereak "casuallllll" Dari nama, decor dan pilihan menu nya keliatan banget kalo dia bermaksud jadi tempat hip en asik buat makan curry yang notabene makanan "repot".

Tempat nya sih kecil tapi rapih dan nicely decorated. Dengan gaya super minimalis dan cuma modal beberapa hiasan dinding, tempat ini lumayan pewe buat nongkrong nongkrong pas wiken baik sama temen-temen maupun keluarga

The food:
1. Hot Rogan Josh Curry with Cilantro Butter Rice and Australian Oxtail (Rp. 75.000)
Ni ga kalah serunya dari Ebisu Curry dalam pemesanan. Jadiii pertama kita pilih dulu curry nya, red, green, rogan josh, yellow and brown curry. Lalu tentukan tingkat kepedasan nya dari mild sampe insanely hot. Then... Pilih nasi nya en terakhir pilih topping nya. Topping nya komplit dari chicken, beef sampe seafood but unfortunately no pork :(

Yummy :) Pilihan rogan josh curry yang dicombine sama oxtail pas banget!! Harus diakui kalo dicompare sama curry di Indian resto sih masi jauh lah tapi disini curry nya surprisingly spicy dan pedesss. Saran gw, jangan songong! Pas mesen, si mbak nya uda bilangin kalo yg medium itu uda cukup pedes tapi karena kita pikir ah resto gini kan suka ga pedes tuh, uda aja pesen hot. Tau nya puedes banget hot nya, buset deh... Si oxtail nya ini juga daging nya banyakkkk dan empukkk. Too bad, nasi nya mengecewakan....Walaupun judulnya cilantro butter rice but I didn't taste cilantro nor butter, put some more please.

2. Medium Yellow Curry with Aromatic Yellow Rice and Zesty Cheese Chicken (Rp. 56.000)

Another spot on combination! Yummyyy :) The yellow curry is just beautiful... Thick bright yellow liquid with cream on top that made my palate went crazy. Again, nice spicy curry with yummy chicken (don't know where the zest nor the cheese go) and the not so good rice. Dear Go! Curry, please make better rice. The yellow rice comes with nuts on top, my suggestion, throw it away. It destroys the smoothness and creaminess of the curry.

3. Cheese Naan (Rp. 23.000)

Okay... Ni naan gede banget dan sangat amat mengenyangkan! Kalo naan nya dimakan buat appetizer menurut gw seh mantep ya, it's super cheesy! Tapi... Kalo makan buat temen nya curry menurut gw ga cocok. Terlalu tebel en terlalu banyak keju nya.

4. Strawberry Lassi (Rp. 28.000)

YUMMY!!! A perfect companion for the curry. It's thick, not too sweet and very very refreshing :)

Rating: 7/10
Location: Cilandak Town Square, Jakarta

Both places are a bit overpriced but Go! Curry obviously has better ambiance, more varieties and spicier curry.

So the winner is.. Go! Curry

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

De Luca

Back to Italian :)

As I said in my Pesto post earlier, Italian restaurant is flourishing in Jakata. De Luca is one of the latest addition. Opened head to head to Monolog ( I think they belong to the same group) it's one of Jakarta's it place right now. Located in Plaza Senayan, De Luca is one of the alternative for a place to eat (fiuhhhh, finally... I kinda hate going to PS coz it's eateries are pricey yet not yummy)

The decor is simple, subtle light brown wooden chairs and tables with wooden panels along it's walls. Decorated with some metal-covered yellow light bulbs, De Luca is a warm, welcoming and cozy place to chat and hang out with friends and families. Some of the tables are located at the street side, giving a bistro like feeling. +1

The food:
1. Ice Peach Tea (Rp. 30.000)

I like the peach tea here for some reasons. Firstly, it's not too sweet. The glass is quite big and they put slices of peach in it. Love it :)

2. Sparkling Mango (Rp. 30.000)

Same like the peach tea, it's not overly sweet. A balanced drink to quench your thirst after shopping all day long, a mango garnish would be nice though. The two mini cherries at the bottom of the glass are a treat!!! :D

3. Bread Basket (Complimentary/Rp. 10.000)

It's a complimentary but we asked for more, they charged is for the additional basket. The bread... is yummy :) The basket consists of baguettes, focaccia and bread sticks. All of the breads are warm, I think they heated it before serving it to us. The baguettes have crunchy texture in the outside and fluffy in the inside. The focaccia is thick and heavy but exceptionally yummy, my fave! The bread sticks are different than Pepenero's heavy sticks. It's light, crunchy and hollow. Asmet really liked it.

4. Spaghetti with wood-smoked salmon, mushroom and spinach in cream sauce (Rp. 78.000)

YUMMY!!!! The pasta is cooked perfectly!!!!!! I loveeee the texture of the pasta. It's like undercooked pasta but it's cooked. You still need to chew it instead of just sliding it into ur stomach like some lame pasta from a fast food joint. The cream sauce tastes a bit like Pasta de Waraku's. It's thick and covered the pasta completely. You won't find any liquid in your plate. It's very creamy but not 'that' creamy u feel bloated afterwards. The combination of the 3 toppings (IMO those 3 are my fave toppings for creamy pasta) are just right. Not too much salmon, strands of spinach here and there plus those yummy mushrooms... Yum Yum Yum :) This dish go straight to my top ten pasta in Jakarta hehehe

5. Linguine with minced beef an asparagus in pesto genovese (Rp. 68.000)

Pesto genovese is one of my fave pasta style (the others are cream and aglio olio) but it's not a common dish. Many Italian resto didn't serve this kind of pasta. My favorite pesto is Pizza Marzano's but this is a tough competitor. Just like the spaghetti, the linguine is cooked to perfection. I'm a bit confused with the size of the linguine, it's too wide to be linguine. I had linguine a lot and usually it's a bit thinner but I still love it hehe. The linguine is covered in green oily sauce with lots of minced beef and small cuts of asparagus. I think they need to put more asparagus and less beef. The flavor of the beef is quite strong and it's like the beef and pesto are battling in my mouth. Strangely, their battle is my pleasure :p Yummy!!! The minced beef gives a slight creaminess which is a good balancing act for the heavy herb-infused pasta. The asparagus serves as tiny crunchy surprises in every bite. Another yummy pasta for the day!! *grin*

I love this place! The decor, the ambience and most of all the food. The service is a bit disappointing. The girl that waited on us had a very sour face and stood impatiently while I was reading the menu.

dr. B: Yang enak apa ya mbak?

girl: Wagyu nya pak, enak lho pak

dr. B: Ga pengen makan wagyu mbak, yg laen apa?

girl: (diem) (ngelipet tangan) (nyender ke meja) (berdiri dengan bertumpu ke meja) (goyang-goyang ga jelas kaya cacing kepanasan)

beberapa saat kemudian...

girl: coba wagyu nya aja pak

dr. B: (jutek mode on) uda dibilang saya ga mau wagyu!

I know they're having a wagyu promotion (for that price, it's not promo yaaaaaaa) but that doesn't give them permission to shove that wagyu up my face. Thank God the food was great, less than that, this entry would've been filled with foul words here and there. Additional info, the service tax is 10% :(

Narsis time

Rating: 7.8/10
Location: Plaza Senayan, P1