
Monday, March 24, 2014

Lost in Hongkong : Part 3

Hello again patients!!! I'm back for the thirs installment of Lost in Hongkong series. A little bit of recap, I went to Hongkong for a couple of days last month. So here I am, sharing all the stories and of course.. the Yummy food...

Hari ke 2 di Hongkong, hari Senin. Schedule hari ini adalah ke Ngong Ping Village. Eiitsss jangan seru dulu... belom sarapan bos! Jadilah pagi pagi di hari Senin, gw muter di daerah Nathan Road buat mencari makan pagi... Muter muter muter, setelah muter dan bingung mau makan apa, gw masuk ke sebuah kedai kopi ala Hongkong (yang tentunya penuh sama orang Hongkong asli)

Setelah pengalaman kmrn yang kita disuru duduk semeja sama stranger, kali ini uda ga kaget. Kita didudukin di sebuah meja bulet kecil yang isi nya 4 orang enci enci lagi gosip seru. Berhubung laper... Bodo amat lah yawwww, kita asik aja melototin menu buat mesen.

Milk tea
Milk tea adalah salah satu minuman paling populer di Hongkong. Setiap kita sarapan, pasti ditawarinnyan selalu teh nya sepet abis! Ga kaya thai tea yang cenderung aromatic dan manis, Hongkong milk tea lebih TEH alias pahit tapi creamy.

Instant Noodle Soup with Pork Chop and Luncheon Meat

Yes people yes!!! They serve pork chop as breakfast!!!! Praise Hongkong!!!! Porsi nya guede, kuah nya biasa aja cenderung tawar tapi pork chop nya donk... Yummm.... Ini sih bfast seri premium klo gw liat di menu nya tp ya sudah lah, kapan lagi toh?

Instant Noodle Soup with Pork Chop and Sausage

Sodara kembar nya yang di atas, cuma beda topping doank. Sekedar info, harga makanan di Hongkong tidak terlalu mahal. Untuk sarapan pagi ini, total kerusakan kurleb 50-60 HKD (lupa) jadi sekitar... 90 ribu IDR. Cukup murah kan??

After breakfast, we go straight to Ngong Ping Village. From our hotel in Yau Ma Tei, we have to take the MTR Red Line to Lai King then exchange to Yellow Line to Tung Chung Station. In Tung Chung station, we take a cable car ride to Ngong Ping Village. Skip the glass bottom cable car since it is more expensive. The usual cable car is good enough IMO.

Take a look around and enjoy the scenery... In the middle of the cable car trip, look for the giant buddha statue. It's majestic!!! Anyway, u can hike your way to Ngong Ping but it is something that I would never do, so damn far.

Upon arriving in Ngong Ping Village,  we will be given the souvenir photos they took when we sat on the cable car. Again... Not important..

Ngong Ping Village is a man made mock village, consistings of souvenir shops and cafes. I gotta admit, the souvenirs sold here are pretty. No wonder they charge a lot for them.. If you visit Ngong Ping Village, don't forget the 4D show of the Buddha's life biography. 

Walk along the village, we will reach the Po Lin Monastery, The biggest and most popular buddhist site in Hongkong. You can take the hundreds stair to get closer to the Gigantic Buddha statue. Sorry. but I can't move my legs anymore :p

The Po Lin Monastery is a beautiful monastery, I enjoyed walking around the monastery while burning the insence. Somehow, this activity calmed me down and lift my mood. Super cool!!

Enjoy the fresh air and the beautiful natural surroundings of the monastery before heading back to the busy city once again :) See you in the next post patients.


  1. selera sih, tapi gw lebih suka HK milk tea ini, panas dingin semuanya nikmat entah kenapa. nyobain stinky tofu nggak disana? waktu itu dikasih tau temen orang Singapur di daerah Mongkok banyak, tapi pas lewat depannya iyuuhh baunya aja udah bikin eneg hahahaha

    btw ini blognya gadisrakus yang kemarin ketemu di Magnum :)

  2. Hello gadis rakusss, pa kabar? stinky tofu ga napsu hahaha lebi menarik berbagai sate aneh aneh disana
