bye.. sir.. i'll be missing you a lot...
keep in touch yah..
sir.. tar gk ad yg bsa aku cu-TE dunk...
masa ms.grace aku CU-Te....
pling tunggu bekas merah berupa tangan di pipi gw..
masukin k blog.. loe kn gk pnahh lgy ad topics tntang gw..
xry tdi gw gk dteng...
bye bye koko aris munandar..
jdi kpan neh qta jlan breng lgy...
bye cyaa
Ps: ckck.... gw bingung, gw guru les ato ajang abg mengeksplorasi toket ya?
Friday, February 27, 2009
A new japanese resto at Pluit Junction...
The decor is pretty nice but unfortunately the taste is very very disappointing... Gw males ngedescribe smua makanan nya coz smua rasa nya sama!!!!! Aduh parah de, sayang banget untuk resto sebagus ini, kualitas makanan nya buruk.....
Yang paling parah adalah, walopun dia mengaku sebagai resto jepang, tapi 'jepang' nya tuh ga dapet. Malahan di beberapa dish rasa nya chinese food banget.... Apa mungkin ini gara-gara dia satu grup dengan Cuisine Cuisine en Red Sapphire (yang kualitas chinese food nya di atas rata-rata)
Untunglah service nya memuaskan... Kmaren ini, ada pas gw mo bayar pake card, ga bole, minimal 100rb. Sedangkan sebelum nya uda gw tanya en dia bilang bisa. After a while, si manager nya dateng en meminta maaf karena ada miscom en mengkomplemen kita dessert....
Itu makanan segitu banyak bukan sekali dateng tapi 2x... yang ke dua kali ngabisin voucher yang dikasi...
Location: Pluit Junction
Rating 6.2/10
The decor is pretty nice but unfortunately the taste is very very disappointing... Gw males ngedescribe smua makanan nya coz smua rasa nya sama!!!!! Aduh parah de, sayang banget untuk resto sebagus ini, kualitas makanan nya buruk.....
Chicken Yakiniku Don
Mame Special Burger (Rp. 32.000)
Daging nya cukup besar tapi saus nya..... ckck.... Apa coba itu...
Daging nya cukup besar tapi saus nya..... ckck.... Apa coba itu...
Niku Udon (Rp. 38.000)
Daging sapi yang digunakan adalah potongan daging has, uda kaya makan kuah bikinan nyokap. Plus, kuah nya rasa nya instan banget
Daging sapi yang digunakan adalah potongan daging has, uda kaya makan kuah bikinan nyokap. Plus, kuah nya rasa nya instan banget
Mentaiko Pasta
Tri Colour Bento (Rp. 38.000)
Uda kaya nasi tim!!!!! Nasi nya xtra panas en lembek... daging nya asin en kaya daging di mie ayam (dia pake pork and beef seh...)
Uda kaya nasi tim!!!!! Nasi nya xtra panas en lembek... daging nya asin en kaya daging di mie ayam (dia pake pork and beef seh...)
Yang paling parah adalah, walopun dia mengaku sebagai resto jepang, tapi 'jepang' nya tuh ga dapet. Malahan di beberapa dish rasa nya chinese food banget.... Apa mungkin ini gara-gara dia satu grup dengan Cuisine Cuisine en Red Sapphire (yang kualitas chinese food nya di atas rata-rata)
Untunglah service nya memuaskan... Kmaren ini, ada pas gw mo bayar pake card, ga bole, minimal 100rb. Sedangkan sebelum nya uda gw tanya en dia bilang bisa. After a while, si manager nya dateng en meminta maaf karena ada miscom en mengkomplemen kita dessert....
Itu makanan segitu banyak bukan sekali dateng tapi 2x... yang ke dua kali ngabisin voucher yang dikasi...
Location: Pluit Junction
Rating 6.2/10
My Last Day at Galaksi
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
AJ Bakery
Baru dapet kiriman dari Ci Ling Ling.... Roti dari AJ Bakery.. Kata dia seh baru buka deket ruma dia di daerang serpong sono tapi pas gw liat kantong nya, ternyata pertama ada nya di gading
Gw baru nyoba pizza nya en baguette smoked beef + egg nya
Pizza nya.... YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
instead of using standard pizza dough, they use pastry to cover the pizza dough...
The baguette is a lil bit too big.... Susa makan nya but i think that's what makes it so damn appetizing hahahaha
thanks a lot Ci Ling Ling :D
Gw baru nyoba pizza nya en baguette smoked beef + egg nya
Pizza nya.... YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
instead of using standard pizza dough, they use pastry to cover the pizza dough...
The baguette is a lil bit too big.... Susa makan nya but i think that's what makes it so damn appetizing hahahaha
thanks a lot Ci Ling Ling :D
Friday, February 20, 2009
Kabar Kabari Saja
I think it's been a longgggggggg timeeeeeeeeeee since I posted sthing personal... Yeah, it has been very fucking boring lately
So... I'll start now...
Boring, boring and super boring. There's nothing new, nothing fun and nothing interesting enough to be shared here.. :( Wel, actually there's a story about Gary and his ngocok partner
So here we go...
Jadi kalo ga sala, waktu itu ada yang ngomongin soal peju, nah ga tau de darimana asal nya tiba2 terkuak lah suatu cerita tentang si Gary menyaksikan LIVE temen engko nya (yang kita panggil saja oknum E) ngocok di kamar nya!!!!!
FYI, di kamar itu juga ada kembaran nya si Gerard en engko nya juga. Tapi.... yang menyaksikan cuma si Gary. Kronologisnya begini....
Ga tau sengaja ato tidak, si Gary kepegang penis nya si E itu... Lalu, keras katanya... (I dunno nih ya, kepegang jadi hard ato emank uda horny kale ya si E) Nah bis gtu, si E buka celana en mulai lah dia ber-swalayan ria.... dan... Murid gw tercinta itu menyaksikan nya (gw asumsikan sambil terpukau kale ya.....) sampe selesai...
Laporan dia adalah: Merah, keras en bau (EWWWW!!!!!!!!) plus.... ampe kena ke TV...
Mudah mudahan si Gary ga kena pengaruh exhibitionist itu... AMIT AMIT!!!
Next... Study
Kabar terakhir adalah.... gw akan mulai per ko-ass an ini pada tanggal 2 Maret 2009 di bagian kulit RS Husada. Anggota siklus: Gw, Ratu Iblis, Ciwalit en satu temen gw si E..... Jadi, kalo pada kangen ma gw, mari berkunjung ke poli kulit Husada :)
Oh ya, I will resign from Galaksi before I start my Co-ass... So this will be the last month I work there.... There will be no more stories bout my pervert students and my xtra long venting session hehe.... But it will be replaced with Co-ass stories (which i guarantee will be juicier... after all it's full of drama LOL)
Ps: I'm trying not to be too tough on my students these last few days but the fact that there is still many SUPER STUPID mistakes made, I will keep on giving terror to their homework finishing activities :D
So... I'll start now...
Boring, boring and super boring. There's nothing new, nothing fun and nothing interesting enough to be shared here.. :( Wel, actually there's a story about Gary and his ngocok partner
So here we go...
Jadi kalo ga sala, waktu itu ada yang ngomongin soal peju, nah ga tau de darimana asal nya tiba2 terkuak lah suatu cerita tentang si Gary menyaksikan LIVE temen engko nya (yang kita panggil saja oknum E) ngocok di kamar nya!!!!!
FYI, di kamar itu juga ada kembaran nya si Gerard en engko nya juga. Tapi.... yang menyaksikan cuma si Gary. Kronologisnya begini....
Ga tau sengaja ato tidak, si Gary kepegang penis nya si E itu... Lalu, keras katanya... (I dunno nih ya, kepegang jadi hard ato emank uda horny kale ya si E) Nah bis gtu, si E buka celana en mulai lah dia ber-swalayan ria.... dan... Murid gw tercinta itu menyaksikan nya (gw asumsikan sambil terpukau kale ya.....) sampe selesai...
Laporan dia adalah: Merah, keras en bau (EWWWW!!!!!!!!) plus.... ampe kena ke TV...
Mudah mudahan si Gary ga kena pengaruh exhibitionist itu... AMIT AMIT!!!
Next... Study
Kabar terakhir adalah.... gw akan mulai per ko-ass an ini pada tanggal 2 Maret 2009 di bagian kulit RS Husada. Anggota siklus: Gw, Ratu Iblis, Ciwalit en satu temen gw si E..... Jadi, kalo pada kangen ma gw, mari berkunjung ke poli kulit Husada :)
Oh ya, I will resign from Galaksi before I start my Co-ass... So this will be the last month I work there.... There will be no more stories bout my pervert students and my xtra long venting session hehe.... But it will be replaced with Co-ass stories (which i guarantee will be juicier... after all it's full of drama LOL)
Ps: I'm trying not to be too tough on my students these last few days but the fact that there is still many SUPER STUPID mistakes made, I will keep on giving terror to their homework finishing activities :D
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Quote of The Day
Jo says:
Jo says:
hp gue masi errrorr nih
Jo says:
uda ganti simcard
Jo says:
tapi simcard barunya masih blom aktif2 sampe hari ini
*unicef Babi says:
ah paling yang nyariin loe cuma jek doank....
*unicef Babi says:
and me occasionally
Jo says:
Jo says:
emang yang peduli sama gue cuma jek seorang..
Jo says:
my hershey...
Jo says:
hp gue masi errrorr nih
Jo says:
uda ganti simcard
Jo says:
tapi simcard barunya masih blom aktif2 sampe hari ini
*unicef Babi says:
ah paling yang nyariin loe cuma jek doank....
*unicef Babi says:
and me occasionally
Jo says:
Jo says:
emang yang peduli sama gue cuma jek seorang..
Jo says:
my hershey...
Monday, February 16, 2009
Romantic Quotes
I admit i'm not big at romance. I SUCK at romance. I hate corny romantic movie, i hate stupid too romantic too be true movie/song/anything.
When I watch Grey's Anatomy season 4 in this fucking lousy afternoon, I just heard one of the most romantic words in a movie...
Beth (a patient waiting for a brain surgery): What if you die?
Jeremy (a patient who'll be having brain surgery before Beth): I won't
Beth: What if I die?
Jeremy: You won't
Beth: You change my life Jeremy, but if I die.... (sobbing)
Jeremy: Don't you dare die (sobbing) I'm not finished yet. I'm not finished loving you...
*damn.... I hate February...
When I watch Grey's Anatomy season 4 in this fucking lousy afternoon, I just heard one of the most romantic words in a movie...
Beth (a patient waiting for a brain surgery): What if you die?
Jeremy (a patient who'll be having brain surgery before Beth): I won't
Beth: What if I die?
Jeremy: You won't
Beth: You change my life Jeremy, but if I die.... (sobbing)
Jeremy: Don't you dare die (sobbing) I'm not finished yet. I'm not finished loving you...
*damn.... I hate February...
Bride Wars
Hehe gw lagi mood bikin review film nih, jadi walopun uda lama nonton nya, baru gw bikin sekarang review nya
Standard chick flick!!!!!!!!!! Oh my God.... I love romantic comedy, chick flick... Hmm Sex and The City or Devil Wears Prada is quite good but this one.... Kate Hudson needs to find better scripts or she will go down, soon....
A story about how two best friends end up fighting just because they have the same wedding date. I know for girls, getting married is HUGE. Everything has to be perfect en bla bla bla. I get it.... But this movie... Wel...
This movie just takes exxagerating into another level!!!! I mean come on.... Is it really necessary to tackle ur enemy when she is walking down the aisle? How about making ur enemy's hair blue? I don't think those things exist (at least here in Indonesia)
Another weird part after Anne Hathaway decided not to get married to his BF (whom she dated since college), she instantly get married a year later with Hudson's lil bro and then she got pregnant!!!!
Anyway..... Not recommended for guys! It's simply illogical and GA PENTING!!!!!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Underworld: Rise of The Lycans
Ini adalah prequel dari Underworld yang dulu dulu itu.... Ceritanya soal bagaimana Lycans yang tadi nya budak dari Vampires akhir nya berhasil membebaskan diri en jadi ras yang merdeka...
Langsung aja ke review nya. Menurut gw film ini tergolong cukup entertaining. Well, just like the previous two, the strong point of this movie is the fight between Lycans and Vampires. Since this movie has the same recipe, I think it's quite good.
Rhona Mitra of course is not as dazzling as Kate Beckinsale but she played quite a character.... If u compare this one to Underworld or Underworld: Evolution, of course this movie is bad... BUT, this is not a bad movie if u don't compare it with them.
It doesn't make sense how all those werewolves suddenly show up and attack the castle of the vampires after Lucian is tortured. Why did they wait to attack the vampires? How can the vampires enslave the lycans? The lycans are more powerful than the vampires. Why didn't they rebel earlier?
Well... It's just a movie with lots of blood and severed limbs everywhere. So when watch this movie, shut ur mouth and just enjoy....
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Kali ini gw mau nulis reviewnya pake bahasa Indonesia aja..... Ditunggu ya komen nya, lebi ok mana... hehe
Ootoya, salah satu tenant baru di Ex-X, link terbaru dari Plaza Indonesia en EX. Sebener nya seh ini bukan resto baru, sebelum nya di Senayan City uda buka cukup lama tapi gw belom sempet nyobain aja...
Resto jepang yang satu ini menu andalan nya semua berbau grill... Sayang harga nya kurang bersahabat buat kantong gw jadi terpaksa mesen nya ga menu andalan nya
1. Ootoya Lunch Set (Rp. 65.000)
Yummy!! Karage nya lumayan enak. Daging nya lembut en digoreng dengan tepung yang tidak terlalu asin tapi dikasi lada yang lumayan banyak. Ga sampai garing kaya fried chicken ala fast food gtu tapi cukup garing sehingga kalo digigit ada bunyi kriuk kriuk nya. Bumbu nya cukup meresap padahal potongan ayam nya cukup besar....
Perkedel nya guedeee!!! Buset de tu perkedel... lumayan enak seh. Perkedel nya dilapis tepung jadi garing en croquette like gtu en pake ground beef.
Telor nya juaranya!!!!!!!! Love the egg :) Gw suka banget telor sunny side up kaya gtu... haha and Ootoya's is just perfect
2. Oyakodon (Rp. 49.000)
Dibandingkan dengan Sushi Tei, rasa ayam nya lebih enak tetapi nasi nya terlalu lembek sehingga seperti memakan nasi berkuah yang tidak ada rasa. Personally, i think this one is bad but Ciwali said that this one is still acceptable... Well, I'm not a huge fan of Oyakodon so this is not a death sentence for Ootoya
3. Chicken with Moromi Sauce ala carte (Rp. 49.000)
The moromi sauce is yummy!!! Tapi astaga... dikit benerrrr..... sekali lagi ayam nya enak!! sayang sekali seh, harus nya saus nya disiram dan bukan ditaruh di pinggir piring dalam jumlah yang sungguh sangat tidak signifikan
Karena lokasi nya yang di pojokan, menurut gw tempat nya enak banget buat makan en ngumpul ngumpul ma temen :)
ps: Service nya mantap!!! Two thumbs up
Lokasi: Ex-X F4
Rating: 7.6/10
Ootoya, salah satu tenant baru di Ex-X, link terbaru dari Plaza Indonesia en EX. Sebener nya seh ini bukan resto baru, sebelum nya di Senayan City uda buka cukup lama tapi gw belom sempet nyobain aja...
Resto jepang yang satu ini menu andalan nya semua berbau grill... Sayang harga nya kurang bersahabat buat kantong gw jadi terpaksa mesen nya ga menu andalan nya
1. Ootoya Lunch Set (Rp. 65.000)
Yummy!! Karage nya lumayan enak. Daging nya lembut en digoreng dengan tepung yang tidak terlalu asin tapi dikasi lada yang lumayan banyak. Ga sampai garing kaya fried chicken ala fast food gtu tapi cukup garing sehingga kalo digigit ada bunyi kriuk kriuk nya. Bumbu nya cukup meresap padahal potongan ayam nya cukup besar....
Perkedel nya guedeee!!! Buset de tu perkedel... lumayan enak seh. Perkedel nya dilapis tepung jadi garing en croquette like gtu en pake ground beef.
Telor nya juaranya!!!!!!!! Love the egg :) Gw suka banget telor sunny side up kaya gtu... haha and Ootoya's is just perfect
2. Oyakodon (Rp. 49.000)
Dibandingkan dengan Sushi Tei, rasa ayam nya lebih enak tetapi nasi nya terlalu lembek sehingga seperti memakan nasi berkuah yang tidak ada rasa. Personally, i think this one is bad but Ciwali said that this one is still acceptable... Well, I'm not a huge fan of Oyakodon so this is not a death sentence for Ootoya
3. Chicken with Moromi Sauce ala carte (Rp. 49.000)
The moromi sauce is yummy!!! Tapi astaga... dikit benerrrr..... sekali lagi ayam nya enak!! sayang sekali seh, harus nya saus nya disiram dan bukan ditaruh di pinggir piring dalam jumlah yang sungguh sangat tidak signifikan
Karena lokasi nya yang di pojokan, menurut gw tempat nya enak banget buat makan en ngumpul ngumpul ma temen :)
ps: Service nya mantap!!! Two thumbs up
Lokasi: Ex-X F4
Rating: 7.6/10
Open Relationship
Adrian says:
naluri gue berkata elo masih ada HTS sama BB Bold
Adrian says:
walaupun status elo sama E63
Adrian says:
sama aja elo in an open rship dengan E63 lo
Adrian says:
gue bongkar lo
Adrian says:
ntar E63 lo ngambek
*Dr. A -fuck valentine- mode on
naluri gue berkata elo masih ada HTS sama BB Bold
Adrian says:
walaupun status elo sama E63
Adrian says:
sama aja elo in an open rship dengan E63 lo
Adrian says:
gue bongkar lo
Adrian says:
ntar E63 lo ngambek
*Dr. A -fuck valentine- mode on
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Sate Khas Senayan
Yeah... it's not new.. Sate Khas Senayan is an established franchise resto at Jakarta. Why did I put it here? Mainly coz I hav nothing to do at the moment and I just ate there :D
The food
1. Sop Buntut (Rp. 42.000)
Standard issue Sop Buntut with huge chunks of carrot and 3 pieces of small ox tail.... It doesn't come with rice (so I think they want us to eat Sop Buntut only...)
2. Sate Ayam (Rp 22.000)
10 sate ayam with skippy like peanut sauce... The chicken is very tender and it is served on a hot charcoal....
3. Tahu Telor
YUMMY!!! Tofu fried with egg, drenched in dark sweet sauce.... With peanut brittle on top, it's just perfect.....
4. Lontong Cap Go Meh Imlek (Rp. 34.000)
Not as good as I hope but still acceptable... I had better...
5. Nasi Goreng Jawa
A plate of fried rice with telor ceplok on top and 3 sate ayam. Fried rice is always yummy, no matter where u eat it :D
6. Wedang Ronde
YUMMY!!!!!!!! It's hot, It's sweet, It's wedang ronde. Very 'pandan' and has smooth sweet taste....
Location: Hayam Wuruk
Rating: 7.4/10
The food
1. Sop Buntut (Rp. 42.000)
Standard issue Sop Buntut with huge chunks of carrot and 3 pieces of small ox tail.... It doesn't come with rice (so I think they want us to eat Sop Buntut only...)
2. Sate Ayam (Rp 22.000)
10 sate ayam with skippy like peanut sauce... The chicken is very tender and it is served on a hot charcoal....
3. Tahu Telor
YUMMY!!! Tofu fried with egg, drenched in dark sweet sauce.... With peanut brittle on top, it's just perfect.....
4. Lontong Cap Go Meh Imlek (Rp. 34.000)
Not as good as I hope but still acceptable... I had better...
5. Nasi Goreng Jawa
A plate of fried rice with telor ceplok on top and 3 sate ayam. Fried rice is always yummy, no matter where u eat it :D
6. Wedang Ronde
YUMMY!!!!!!!! It's hot, It's sweet, It's wedang ronde. Very 'pandan' and has smooth sweet taste....
Location: Hayam Wuruk
Rating: 7.4/10
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Laporan Malam Minggu
After taking a break from night activity, I went clubbing.... YAY!!!!! 2 consecutive nights :p
We went for dinner at Indochine first... nice place... very very cozy and the music is actually good. We should go there more often!! Next is X2...
Hmm... Equinox was very disappointing.... It was some international female DJ that played india-infused track nonstop!!!!!! God.... I believe Ratu Iblis performed some Bollywood Style dancing technique :p
X2 on the other hand, was quite good. Nothing new, just the usual anthems but at least it's better than Equinox (as always.... :D) There was a buy1get1 promo for drinks in X2 and Equinox, too bad there wasn't anyone to drink with me... Pudel Perek is too afraid she'll go overly wild hahahaha
I waited for Ratu Lebah for hours.... Thank God there's free wi-fi and my e63 (teuteub stega promo hahahaha)
Next was Blowfish. We went in late and I had 1 drink only... Not that entertaining....
Conclusion: Do not go clubbing unless u plan on getting drunk.... alcohol/wallet controlled clubbing is no fun :(
We went for dinner at Indochine first... nice place... very very cozy and the music is actually good. We should go there more often!! Next is X2...
Hmm... Equinox was very disappointing.... It was some international female DJ that played india-infused track nonstop!!!!!! God.... I believe Ratu Iblis performed some Bollywood Style dancing technique :p
X2 on the other hand, was quite good. Nothing new, just the usual anthems but at least it's better than Equinox (as always.... :D) There was a buy1get1 promo for drinks in X2 and Equinox, too bad there wasn't anyone to drink with me... Pudel Perek is too afraid she'll go overly wild hahahaha
I waited for Ratu Lebah for hours.... Thank God there's free wi-fi and my e63 (teuteub stega promo hahahaha)
Next was Blowfish. We went in late and I had 1 drink only... Not that entertaining....
Conclusion: Do not go clubbing unless u plan on getting drunk.... alcohol/wallet controlled clubbing is no fun :(
I went to this resto last Friday... I've been wanting to go here for some time but never had the time so when we decided to go to Fx, of course I recommend this for dinner hehe
Pretty nice decor, with all the Budha statues and red chandelier.. Hmm I think it's supposed to be a lounge/club at night. It was very uncomfortable to eat at a low sofa...
The food
1. Tiger prawn with salted egg yolk (Rp. 120.000)
Yummy.... Well, not the best I've ever had but it is pretty delicious. The prawns are very fresh and cooked perfectly.. Not enough egg yolk but thanks to the prawns, this dish is still an entertainment for my taste buds
2. Grilled beef with lemongrass (Rp. 88.000)
Very small portion and I think it's just standard... Nothing special...
3. Chicken with Basil and Chilies (Rp. 68.000)
YUMMY!!! The combination of the spices is just perfect.... I don't know the name of every single herbs and spices in there but that is one yummy dish... Very 'Indochine' :)
It's a great place to hang out with friends especially if u add alcohol :p Some part of it is open air area, how cool is that!!! Dining open air at that height... I'll try that table in my next visit hehe
Location: FX 8F
Rating: 7.5/10
Pretty nice decor, with all the Budha statues and red chandelier.. Hmm I think it's supposed to be a lounge/club at night. It was very uncomfortable to eat at a low sofa...
The food
1. Tiger prawn with salted egg yolk (Rp. 120.000)
Yummy.... Well, not the best I've ever had but it is pretty delicious. The prawns are very fresh and cooked perfectly.. Not enough egg yolk but thanks to the prawns, this dish is still an entertainment for my taste buds
2. Grilled beef with lemongrass (Rp. 88.000)
Very small portion and I think it's just standard... Nothing special...
3. Chicken with Basil and Chilies (Rp. 68.000)
YUMMY!!! The combination of the spices is just perfect.... I don't know the name of every single herbs and spices in there but that is one yummy dish... Very 'Indochine' :)
It's a great place to hang out with friends especially if u add alcohol :p Some part of it is open air area, how cool is that!!! Dining open air at that height... I'll try that table in my next visit hehe
Location: FX 8F
Rating: 7.5/10
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Kabar Hari Ini
Tadi di tempat les sempet ngoce ngoce ke James (He conveniently forgot how to substract simple fraction.... ARGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Lalu.... Si Beatrice (murid gw druma) cuti bulan ni... Uda kondisi keuangan lagi goyah, ditambah lagi begini... Damn... gimana ntar kalo gw da koass nih.... :(
Akirnya gw dapet juga tu kemeja putih buat yudisium (stela kaki gw pegel muterin Pluit Village) Ada apa seh susa bener nyari sebuah kemeja putih yang decent???? Nanti size nya kegedean lah, kekecilan lah, tembus pandang lah, kepanjangan lah....
sekian dulu ocehan hari ini.... sampai jumpa di ocehan berikut nya
Tadi di tempat les sempet ngoce ngoce ke James (He conveniently forgot how to substract simple fraction.... ARGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Lalu.... Si Beatrice (murid gw druma) cuti bulan ni... Uda kondisi keuangan lagi goyah, ditambah lagi begini... Damn... gimana ntar kalo gw da koass nih.... :(
Akirnya gw dapet juga tu kemeja putih buat yudisium (stela kaki gw pegel muterin Pluit Village) Ada apa seh susa bener nyari sebuah kemeja putih yang decent???? Nanti size nya kegedean lah, kekecilan lah, tembus pandang lah, kepanjangan lah....
sekian dulu ocehan hari ini.... sampai jumpa di ocehan berikut nya
Times Square
Kmaren siang, gw sama ade gw si Arbi makan ke Grand Indonesia... Stelah bingung bingung karena pilihan makanan yang sungguh sangat banyak akir nya kita decide buat nyoba Times Square. Ini adalah berkat rekomendasi dari si Ratu Iblis.... (TERKUTUK!!!)
Karena bentuk nya buffet (Rp. 98.000 ++) gw cuma nyobain a bit of everything...
Untuk Western, mereka ada Ceasar Salad Station. Seru ya? Jangan seneng dulu.... Kan ada bacon nya tuh biasa di atas ceasar salad, nah punya dia, KERAS!!! It's supposed to be crispy...
Lalu, ada mereka nyedia in beberapa makanan laen....
1. Potato gratin --> Hmm... yummy. They need to put more cheese on top
2. Mixed vegetable grill --> The egg plant is YUMMY. Damn... I love egg plants...
3. Mini burger --> Menu of the day... YUMMY
4. Rigatoni with mushroom sauce --> yummy.... too bad there wasn't any topping. It's just pasta with cream, no mushroom chunks, no chicken, nothing!
5. Pizza --> Quito good, thin and chewy in a good way
Some weird things in the western section. First, they have onions fried is egg. So it's like telor dadar with huge chunks of onions... Weird....Then, they have chicken in fried egg. But I had this somewhere to so it's okay... It's just not good. They also have fried chicken (fast food style) and bread + butter
1. Blackpepper beef --> Tough!!!! Not better than the ones at Campus
2. Sweet and sour fish --> The fish is not crispy, the sauce is bad bad bad. My mom can make it sooooo much better
3. Mie goreng --> Standard issue kantin sekolah style
4. Nasi goreng --> No further comment.... They put telor mata sapi and that egg tastes better than the fried rice
5. Sushi --> God it'd AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear I almost spat it out...
Good display.... Very appetizing. But I suggest u stop at looking....
1. Hot chocolate pudding --> ENEG and has weird burnt taste...
2. Mango pudding --> U can get diabetes from eating it, so damn sweet!!!!
3. Tiramisu --> ..............................................
I will NEVER go back there. The quality of the food is simply disappointing.... The worst Rp. 130.000 I've ever spent on food!!!!!!!!!
NB: The service is excellent (that's why they charge u with 11% service charge in a mall)
Rating 6/10
Location: Grand Indonesia (Next to singing fountain)
Karena bentuk nya buffet (Rp. 98.000 ++) gw cuma nyobain a bit of everything...
Untuk Western, mereka ada Ceasar Salad Station. Seru ya? Jangan seneng dulu.... Kan ada bacon nya tuh biasa di atas ceasar salad, nah punya dia, KERAS!!! It's supposed to be crispy...
Lalu, ada mereka nyedia in beberapa makanan laen....
1. Potato gratin --> Hmm... yummy. They need to put more cheese on top
2. Mixed vegetable grill --> The egg plant is YUMMY. Damn... I love egg plants...
3. Mini burger --> Menu of the day... YUMMY
4. Rigatoni with mushroom sauce --> yummy.... too bad there wasn't any topping. It's just pasta with cream, no mushroom chunks, no chicken, nothing!
5. Pizza --> Quito good, thin and chewy in a good way
Some weird things in the western section. First, they have onions fried is egg. So it's like telor dadar with huge chunks of onions... Weird....Then, they have chicken in fried egg. But I had this somewhere to so it's okay... It's just not good. They also have fried chicken (fast food style) and bread + butter
1. Blackpepper beef --> Tough!!!! Not better than the ones at Campus
2. Sweet and sour fish --> The fish is not crispy, the sauce is bad bad bad. My mom can make it sooooo much better
3. Mie goreng --> Standard issue kantin sekolah style
4. Nasi goreng --> No further comment.... They put telor mata sapi and that egg tastes better than the fried rice
5. Sushi --> God it'd AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear I almost spat it out...
Good display.... Very appetizing. But I suggest u stop at looking....
1. Hot chocolate pudding --> ENEG and has weird burnt taste...
2. Mango pudding --> U can get diabetes from eating it, so damn sweet!!!!
3. Tiramisu --> ..............................................
I will NEVER go back there. The quality of the food is simply disappointing.... The worst Rp. 130.000 I've ever spent on food!!!!!!!!!
NB: The service is excellent (that's why they charge u with 11% service charge in a mall)
Rating 6/10
Location: Grand Indonesia (Next to singing fountain)
Skill Lab
Monday, February 02, 2009
Naga Pendawa
This is one of a few chinese resto at Puncak Area.... Since I always spend my Imlek at Puncak, I always eat here every year.... it's a small resto, i think not more than 40 pax can fit in there. The quality of the food is not bad especially considering the location.
1. Lumpia Udang
This is my favorite. It's like go hiong but the main ingredient is prawn. They give u a kind of sweet and sour chili (like cakwe's chili sauce) to dip the lumpia...Yummy....
2. Tumis Ginjal Babi
Pig's kidney is one of favorite food..... This one is not so good. The kidney is overcooked and only a few kidney pieces given...
3. Sapo Tahu
Again.. the tofu is overcooked and it's too salty..... But still edible. After all, the cold makes u hungry..
4. Ikan Asam Manis
It's actually pretty yummy but the fish is too thinly sliced
5. Ayam Goreng Cianjur
This is new.... Basically it's ayam goreng mentega but they put some fried onion ot top of the chicken. Nice...
6. Sup Ikan Gurame Talas
YUMMY!!!!! Every chinese resto in Puncak has this menu (Amen's is yum yum yummy....) but usually they don't put yam in it. This one is milkier and thicker because of the Yam
7. Tumis Pocai Bawang Putih
Put some salt please.... Thank God, the Pocai is very fresh...
Overall, it's quite good for a resto in Puncak, i'll be coming back next Sincia :D
Location: Cipanas, Puncak
Rating: 7/10
1. Lumpia Udang
This is my favorite. It's like go hiong but the main ingredient is prawn. They give u a kind of sweet and sour chili (like cakwe's chili sauce) to dip the lumpia...Yummy....
2. Tumis Ginjal Babi
Pig's kidney is one of favorite food..... This one is not so good. The kidney is overcooked and only a few kidney pieces given...
3. Sapo Tahu
Again.. the tofu is overcooked and it's too salty..... But still edible. After all, the cold makes u hungry..
4. Ikan Asam Manis
It's actually pretty yummy but the fish is too thinly sliced
5. Ayam Goreng Cianjur
This is new.... Basically it's ayam goreng mentega but they put some fried onion ot top of the chicken. Nice...
6. Sup Ikan Gurame Talas
YUMMY!!!!! Every chinese resto in Puncak has this menu (Amen's is yum yum yummy....) but usually they don't put yam in it. This one is milkier and thicker because of the Yam
7. Tumis Pocai Bawang Putih
Put some salt please.... Thank God, the Pocai is very fresh...
Overall, it's quite good for a resto in Puncak, i'll be coming back next Sincia :D
Location: Cipanas, Puncak
Rating: 7/10
Serba Serbi Puncak
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Fish Spa
Pas sincia kemaren, salah satu kegiatan gw adalah fish spa! Nah... tadi nya gw uda pengen nyoba tuh. yah sekali sekali 40rb/15 menit not a problem de... eh tiba tiba mak gw dapet voucher gratis nya!!!!!!!! Alhamdulilah...
Jadi tu kaki kita dimasukkina ke dalam bak yang isi nya ikan kecil kecil gtu. Trus tu ikan ikan bakal makan kulit mati kita.... gw lupa nama ikan nya tapi intinya di import dari Turki..
Pertama tama seh geli geli gtu... lama kelamaan biasa seh, kaya lagi semutan aja... Seinget gw di Jakarta ada kok, di spa spa gtu tapi ga tau dimana. Yang di Puncak seh, di FO Kampoeng Brasco, di depan coffee shop nya gtu
Ayo ayo dicoba.... :p
Jadi tu kaki kita dimasukkina ke dalam bak yang isi nya ikan kecil kecil gtu. Trus tu ikan ikan bakal makan kulit mati kita.... gw lupa nama ikan nya tapi intinya di import dari Turki..
Pertama tama seh geli geli gtu... lama kelamaan biasa seh, kaya lagi semutan aja... Seinget gw di Jakarta ada kok, di spa spa gtu tapi ga tau dimana. Yang di Puncak seh, di FO Kampoeng Brasco, di depan coffee shop nya gtu
Ayo ayo dicoba.... :p
Fenomena Caleg Cina
Pemilu sudah dekat!!!!
As we all know, lately cina cina itu hobi berpolitik. Sebagai cina, ya gw seh seneng seneng aja ya (walopun ga berasa juga seh pengaruh langsung nya ke idup gw). Nah, menjelang pemilu 09, mulai de tu papan papan reklame yang isi nya om om sipit en tulisan mandarin segede gajah nongol dimana mana. Well, by dimana mana maksud gw di daerah pemukiman cina such as Pluit, MK, Gading en sekitar nya.
Buset de tuh caleg caleg...
Gw rada males aja, knapa seh caleg caleg cina itu harus mempromosikan kecinaan mereka? Emank nya kalo mereka kepilih, mereka cuma ngurusin kita yang cina cina ini? engga kan? So what's the point? Yah gw ngerti seh, kita emank target market nya mereka tapi menurut gw ga bijaksana aja. Apa ga lebih baik mereka waste money on sthing better. Bikin acara amal kek, ngadain acara apa kek ato apa aja de, daripada ngabisin duit di reklame ga jelas yang merusak pemandangan jalan
Buat yang ga keliatan, tu tulisan di reklame nya
As we all know, lately cina cina itu hobi berpolitik. Sebagai cina, ya gw seh seneng seneng aja ya (walopun ga berasa juga seh pengaruh langsung nya ke idup gw). Nah, menjelang pemilu 09, mulai de tu papan papan reklame yang isi nya om om sipit en tulisan mandarin segede gajah nongol dimana mana. Well, by dimana mana maksud gw di daerah pemukiman cina such as Pluit, MK, Gading en sekitar nya.
Buset de tuh caleg caleg...
Gw rada males aja, knapa seh caleg caleg cina itu harus mempromosikan kecinaan mereka? Emank nya kalo mereka kepilih, mereka cuma ngurusin kita yang cina cina ini? engga kan? So what's the point? Yah gw ngerti seh, kita emank target market nya mereka tapi menurut gw ga bijaksana aja. Apa ga lebih baik mereka waste money on sthing better. Bikin acara amal kek, ngadain acara apa kek ato apa aja de, daripada ngabisin duit di reklame ga jelas yang merusak pemandangan jalan
Buat yang ga keliatan, tu tulisan di reklame nya
Bangkitlah Naga Naga Pribumi
NB: Maap Pak Daniel Johan, it's nothing personal :)
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