
Monday, February 02, 2009

Naga Pendawa

This is one of a few chinese resto at Puncak Area.... Since I always spend my Imlek at Puncak, I always eat here every year.... it's a small resto, i think not more than 40 pax can fit in there. The quality of the food is not bad especially considering the location.

1. Lumpia Udang
This is my favorite. It's like go hiong but the main ingredient is prawn. They give u a kind of sweet and sour chili (like cakwe's chili sauce) to dip the lumpia...Yummy....

2. Tumis Ginjal Babi
Pig's kidney is one of favorite food..... This one is not so good. The kidney is overcooked and only a few kidney pieces given...

3. Sapo Tahu
Again.. the tofu is overcooked and it's too salty..... But still edible. After all, the cold makes u hungry..

4. Ikan Asam Manis
It's actually pretty yummy but the fish is too thinly sliced

5. Ayam Goreng Cianjur
This is new.... Basically it's ayam goreng mentega but they put some fried onion ot top of the chicken. Nice...

6. Sup Ikan Gurame Talas
YUMMY!!!!! Every chinese resto in Puncak has this menu (Amen's is yum yum yummy....) but usually they don't put yam in it. This one is milkier and thicker because of the Yam

7. Tumis Pocai Bawang Putih
Put some salt please.... Thank God, the Pocai is very fresh...

Overall, it's quite good for a resto in Puncak, i'll be coming back next Sincia :D

Location: Cipanas, Puncak
Rating: 7/10


  1. emang TOP BGT...!!!
    Udang Gulung a.k.a Lumpia Udang is my fav too,,
    wajib pesen klu dtg k sini
    ada cabang na loh d JKT
    d daerah toko tiga,,rmh mkn na sih mank kecil,,tp hommy bgt,,rmh jadul gitu
    cobain lindung cah fumak d,,sama samkiti na

  2. wahhhh ternyata ada juga yang suka makan disini hehe

    dimana nya toko tiga ya? namanya sama? wah gw baru tau tuh ada di jakarta juga :)
