Last Friday, I watched Lost in Love with Ms. J at our beloved cinema (Mega 21). Hmm.... it's been a really really long time since I watched a movie here with a so-called friend there...
Ms J : Hmm Bi, gela ya, mana perna ya kita nonton di 21 lage, XXI kale..
Dr. B : (dalam hati) buset de.... ibu borjuis binti glamorous...
Anyway... for u guys that didn't know, Lost in Love is the sequel of Eiffel, I'm in Love. Itu lho.. film indo skitar 4 taon lalu yang based on a novel by Rachamania Arunita kalo ga sala... Cerita nya seh ga penting, tentang cewe yang doyan ma cowo cool semi jutek sedangkan tu cewe manja abis. Yang rada menarik adalah setting nya yg di Paris.
Sekedar informasi, gw ntn film ini 3x!!!!! Pertama, Eiffel I'm in Love, lalu Eiffel I'm in love extended version ( ini di surbay bo..... niat banget ga seh...) en trakir Lost in Love ini. 3 3 nya ama si ibu borjuis di atas (gw curiga seh ini semacem cuci otak buat rencana honeymoon kita)
Nah, masuk ke pokok permasalahan... Yah namanya juga chick/teen flick, banyak romantic scenes gtu kan... en tidak ketinggalan romantic dialogue di berbagai kesempatan. When I saw those romantic scenes and hearing those 'i love u, u love me' dialogue, i can't help but said,
" Halah halah..... Cape de...."
And this happens A LOT!!
This happened again today. I watched What Happens in Vegas. Also a romantic comedy/chick flick. Guess what happen? Another "Halah halah" statement.... Even in the end of the movie where the main characters kissed each other on the beach with the camera moving around them, I thought "So cliche..... Males..."
Damn.... Am I that cynical? Do I need theraphy or something?
I remember in high school when I watched AADC and I thought, "wow... never knew that a poem/song could be that romantic" and after I watched that legendary movie, I was like... "Damn... That is what I called a romantic movie."
Am I getting old? Or have I lost faith in love?
Or maybe it's like Pudel Perek said, " There is no love, there's only Lust, Obsession, Vague and Euphoria."
Oh shit.... I've just turned my friend into a cynic....
ReplyDeletedut..."halah2" saat ntn itu trademark g ..inget prince caspian??huhuhu..dan kita mengucapkan bersamaan waktu ntn tu what happens in vegas! so pathetic..
dan plis deh g cuma menciptakan Lust Obsession, lo yg mengidekan Vague dan reni yg mengidekan its our trademark??
jadi kita mesti terapi bareng??
heh, biatch loe yah bi... siapa juga yang mau honeymoon sama loe ke paris..huh, yah sah2 aja sih klo loe mau bermimpi disiang bolong..
kyknya loe uda lost faith in love deh, dengan segala ke-cliche-an loe itu...makanya bi...segera lah loe cari pendamping hidup buat mengaliri hidup loe dengan C-I-N-T-A... jadi jgn siniss muluw kerjaannya...